Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A Tale of Two Joes

Why is it that the media only cares that one guy named Joe is about to lose his seat in tonight's primary? All the attention had been paid to those "nasty liberals who are eating their own" in the Democratic primary for the the U.S. Senate seat from Connecticut while ignoring another Joe who is also facing attack from his party's base for drifting perhaps a bit too far to the center for their liking. The only difference is that one is a Democrat (Joe Lieberman) and one is Republican (Joe Schwarz). Republicans have been winning elections because of their willingness to challenge their frontrunners and incumbents to "keep them honest" and to create a unified front so voters know where the party stands but when Democrats start doing it the media starts whining about the radical "anti-war" left wing trying to move their party "Away from the middle." What's commonplace and pretty much ignored by the mass media on one side is treated as if it's the End of Democracy when it takes place on the other side- to me it sounds like good ol' democracy and that's just fine with me- makes you wonder why it scares the Beltway types so much. At least National Journal's Hotline blog sees it like it is. You can read their take on it while waiting for tonight's election results.


Pol Watcher said...

For the record, I'm not sure Schwarz will lose tonight but the hints I'm hearing from the "experts" make me think it's going to be interesting and that Joe might not be getting another term in Congress.

Boggsone said...

You just have to get to know Joe S and your vote would be No!

agnosticrat said...

After Janelle (via veto competition) takes herself off of the bloc, Kayser is nominated to ride out the insanity with evil James!
What is wrong with this country?

Boggsone said...

They got to know Joe S!

Pol Watcher said...

SCHWARZ LOSES 45-55 (I guess pissing off Democrats probably wasn't such a good way to get them to cross over and vote for you in the primary, huh?).

Lieberman loses 48-52 and vows to run as Independent. So much for the will of the people...

Jay said...

The stubborness of Joe-mentum (Liebermen) rides again.

truthfulpat said...

Joe Schwarz sold his soul to the right wing religious nuts who own the Republican party with his disgusting floor speech calling for the eternal torture of Terri Shiavo. I saw that speech on C Span live and nearly puked. Joe as a MD knew better...and I said at the time that Joe sold for nothing as the right wing religious nuts wouls still come after him

Boggsone said...

And, now they're talking Joe S for Lt Gov. It amazes me how they think we can't do without certain people, and Barry County is certainly in this category. Abraham defeated by a State of the Union, saying we don't want you anymore, and he gets appointed to a National Cabinet Post? Michigan says we don't want you as our State Senator, but geez, he might be great at the National level?

sentinel said...

LSJ on Joe S.


sentinel said...

BC Enquirer has op ed piece on Joe S today.

sentinel said...

Sorry. Forgot link


Pol Watcher said...

Keith Butler is most likely going to be the pick. It's DeVos' best way of trying to woo the black vote which would cripple Granholm's chances at re-election which are already seriously endangered by her inability to go after DeVos and define herself or her agenda. Plus, Butler is a pretty personable guy- the only worry is that by actually having a personality he might steal the thunder away from the walking hairplug that is Dick DeVos.

sentinel said...

I hope the rev is the pick. I think he has a personal fleet of foreign luxury vehicles paid for by his flock that he will have to explain away. Much like Devos outsourcing jobs to China and Betsy saying Mich workers make too much money. I hope Granholm's ads seize the day. If not, she deserves to lose.

Boggsone said...

Refer him to the druggist in Nashville. He didn't get his way with the local republican party and wanted to form another party. LOL

They're not getting their way, the PEOPLE are speaking out and getting their votes counted. So, their answer, we need another party to "dictate" the "right" way of doing things!

sentinel said...

McCain-Lieberman ticket? On the talking heads this morning, McCain called himself a conservative republican and called Lieberman a liberal democrat and he would not support him in his bid as an independent. McCain is selling his soul now by his transparent pandering to the theocratic right. Apparently, he does not think there enough moderates out there to carry him to victory. Again, how many ways can I say it, moderate republicans better put the brakes on the minority control of their party and the country. If youre not with the religous right, youre with the terrorists.

Boggsone said...

I can't keep up with the big words and purported knowledge! I may be simple, but I'm seeing the "minority" as the little people like me trying to take their government back? But, like Jay says, til we get the majority voting (mandatory or whatever) it won't happen, except to a small extent, maybe at the local level for sure! Too many people like Swartz, McCain, and Lieberman mincing and twisting words that the "six-pack" in front of the TV doesn't understand and doesn't want to!

Boggsone said...

DeVos chose an Oakland County woman for his Lt Gov!