Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Evans wins

In the race for Barry County Prosecutor it looks like the challenger has knocked off the incumbent.
Evans- 3463
Nakfoor-Pratt- 3168
100% of precincts reporting


Boggsone said...

The People in this County are incredible! They are seeing through all the smoke screens! They are not believing what they're hearing! They would have convicted O.J. That little town will certainly be abuzz tomorrow!

Take note Public Officials still in office. Start doing your jobs, listen to the public. We pay your salary and bennies and expect you to call a spade a spade! The Public sees it and you will have to start seeing it our way or be on your way!

911 Board Members now is the time to ease out gratiously while you still have a little dignity.

ronnie/charlie just go!

Jay said...

Tom ran a good race. Julie ran a good race. Lots of slinging on here, but overall a "relatively" clean campaign.

Looking at other races in other counties I am saddled with this thought...Since Julie's old boss lost his Dist Court bid, and the Chief Asst. there looks poised to become judge, maybe Julie can be Chief Asst in Allegan. She could be following the Tom Evans' path.

Tom's alliances (aka "hoods" to some on here) paid off. Good ol' fashoined door to door also worked. Shoe leather was the key. Wade-- take notes.

Jay said...

Seems to be a discrepency from the WBCH figures from Election Magic...
Election Magic has:
Tom Evans 3602

Julie Nakfoor-Pratt 3288

Either way it's about a 300 vote (314--E.M.)margin. Anyone gone to Debbie's office to confirm? It's on my list of places to get to tomorrow.

Boggsone said...

Barb: Taken for granted or taken advantage of?

Jay said...

I agree with Barb that the Dems are a significant and too often ignored part of the electorate. They came close a few years ago in electing Doherty Prosecutor. He captured 45%, best showing my a Dem in the county. I do disagree with her in that Dems crossed over in droves. At most, I suspect around 300 did (which was about Tom's margin). I also think they buoyed Reynold's margin to keep him near Vlietstra's total. I doubt more than 300 Dems voted in the Republican primary just by a simple look at the numbers. As I've said before, I think Calley got more holy rollers out than cross over Dems came out.

Pol Watcher said...

Jay, once again I have to pretty much agree with your take on that though I would also add that it's easy to get the holy rollers out when you go into a TAX EXEMPT church and testify and give witness during a political campaign in order to woo them into voting for you.

Jay said...

I agree Pol, but what I hate more than that are the "Focus on the Family"/CTV candidate guides given out at the churches. CTV(Citizens for Traditional Values) endoresed Calley. Susan was locked out of consideration because she was campaigning and not staying home with the little kids.

Jay said...

What factor do you think the Wymer case had on this race?

truthfulpat said...

In a close race who knows what a single issue has to do with the outcome. It is my best guess that the Wymer case had something to do with it if in no other way than to offset Tom's clear problems with non performance.
His accumulation...quit here, quit there, ran here for judge, badly, fired here...Did not make for a resume many employers would look upon with favor.
It is only to be hoped that his performence on the job is what it must be.
As of now the disquieting news on the street is that he intends to fire all but one of the assistants and replace them with one qualified former chief assistant and one notable bozo...we will all see how it plays out.

Jay said...

All I've heard is that one assistant will leave on her on volition. For office continuity sake, Tom would be crazy to "clean house".

Jay said...

As for Susan and putting the kids more out there, I think she did a good balance. I know in an Allegan Co Probate judge race in 2000, the female candidate's use of her kids front and center backfired. She didn't make it on to the General election.

Susan could of done more in that department, yes,and towards the end of the campaign she was highlighting it a bit more. Was she in full out pander mode like Calley in his RtL piece? No, but she could of done more (like the rest of the Barry lot) to secure votes.

truthfulpat said...

All but one very inexperienced assistant will be fired.
The only name that has surfaced is the former Chief, David Mackled...who has any qualifications at all. It will be a field day for defense lawyers since Mackled can't try all the cases and...well, the others have their own qualifications or lack of them.....

Jay said...

My reliable sources at the Courthouse say all that isn't true. Only one assistant has indicated she'll leave. Tom has told the office manager he wants a continuation of staff. The only uncertainties are A) Who will replace this assistant?, and B) Who will Tom name as his Chief?

Jay said...

Another correction Kristen: Tom hasn't publically discussed office staffing. Find me the statement where he has, I'd like to see it. This is all speculation, but I can only confirm the one female assistant prosecutor.

el grillo said...

Tom mentioned his intent to keep most of the crew, last Wednesday at a Kiwanis meeting. Not everyting public gets written down. He discussed it because he was asked about it to his face, which is another option.

... or maybe, Alfred E. Neumann!

Jay said...

Thanks El for the info, always knew you ran in a civic-minded group ;). I think that counteracts a lot of the supposition on here.

Jay said...

Dar was staying more neutral than the pill popper McNeil. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out there's no love lost between county and city cops and that JNP's hubbie was one of the most disliked of the city bunch.

I'd like BB to elaborate on these "promises". I would think the only promises he has to make good on are the ones he published during the campaign. One was already in place in the JNP administration, lunch is a quick fix. He did his fair share in Montmorency. The "one case" policy may take some time.

Boggsone said...

Assistant Prosecutors come and go all the time. It is a training ground for higher paying jobs. A chance to make "contacts", to get to know the movers and shakers in the community.

Go back ten years and count all the assistant prosecutors in this County and the surrounding ones. It is common place.

Sheriff has a mind of his own and a right to an opinion, are you trying to deny him that right? I don't remember reading any Police Chief names supporting either candidate. They have to work with the winner. Where was Sarver and Leady?

The debate did not give any indications on who was the better candidate! Much more has to go into your knowledge base to know which is better.

It's over, give Tom a chance!

Jay said...

Bravo Ag3 as always.

Jay said...

Got a juicey tidbit from two of my sources in Allegan County:
Looks like the Prosecutor there doesn't want to hire JNP back. Hello Eaton?

sentinel said...

Ms. Kristen, Where may I turn in my JNP signs?

Boggsone said...

Dave Bannister is a very good Chief. My bet is Tom will keep him in that position. Not a hard job to replace one "inexperienced" prosecutor assistant!

Tom will "Git r done!"

My biggest concern is what effect all these "strike outs" Judge Fisher is making will have on his relations with the Prosecutor? He is already "benched", what more can we do with him, until next court election?

el grillo said...

Keep an eye on the news! The Unified Trial Court of Barry County is about to be recognized, along with Kalamazoo County, for excellence.
Recidivism has been reduced. The Adult and Juvenile "Drug Courts" are performing as predicted.
Take your cheap shots. Results talk, and....

How about Madeline Albright?

Jay said...

Ag3: Since judges are the only incumbents allowd an incumbancy designation on the ballot, they are often tough to beat. Statistics say that that designation gives an incumbent 20-30% of the vote off the bat. Many attorneys are worried about reprecussions of running against a judge because they may be adversely affected if they lose. Although this area is notorious for being judge killers.

Typically, Prosecutors challenge judges because A) they have county wide name recognition and B) Can return to their to their old jobs usually without the fear of repercussions.

Boggsone said...

I agree, but there's always Mark Doster!

If he continues to goof up and the Public continues to beef up, he may cross the line once too often and get public support behind a renegade "barrister."

Jay said...

Ag3: LOL Heck Mark did better that Wade or Lower. OK Let's mount a DRAFT DOSTER JUDGE campaign. ;)

Pol Watcher said...

Let's not. And Grillo, I'm sure Fisher can take his lumps without you running to his aid. I don't anybody has said anything out of line. I hope you aren't turning into Don Johnson who can criticize all he wants but calls it treason when others do it!

el grillo said...

Sorry if the response was seen as treacherous. Of the many people running for office here, Mark Englerth is one of the few who has had an extensive exposure to the amazing accomplishments that can be directly linked to the Adult Drug Court. My intent was to praise the rare willingness of Barry County officials to step out of the box and try something creative. I'm damn proud of everybody involved and they don't need me to blow their horn.
Sometimes I find myself in agreement with Don Johnson.
O.K. I'm back from the john, again.

Boggsone said...

Don had a good piece on 911 this week!

Question: Do they live in bunkers underneath Pennock Hospital?

Boggsone said...

Sometimes you have to be totally imcompetent/ignorant to not jump on board for grants and innovative ideas that come down the pike!

el grillo said...

That pretty much sums up the County Board, and the current statutory Barry County Parks & Recreation COMMISSION.
The City of Hastings has been quietly using grants to improve parks, trails, and recreation for years.
...and I must add, they also pay taxes for the County to waste.

Jay said...

Saw the approved returns and saw that Tom actually won Orangeville. So Tom did a doughnut around Julie. MMMMMMmmmmmmmm...doughnuts. ;)