Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Patty Birkholz home free?

So, is no one going to run against Patty Birkholz this year? You'd think Terry Geiger would at least seek a rematch of the primary race in which Birkholz used a dirty, last minute attack on Geiger's drunk driving conviction to seal the deal (to make it worse, Birkholz did this knowing of her own home wrecking past which I will surely dredge up if she chooses to run again which seems certain). But it seems Geiger has dissolved his campaign finance committee and is nowhere on the radar. It seems Patty doesn't have too much in the bank to defend against a primary or general opponent having only about $10,000 cash on hand. Wouldn't you think more people would be lining up for a job that pays nearly $90,000 a year?

By the way, if you think that's too much for a basically part time job then maybe you should join the cause- Fire the Senate!


agnosticrat said...

Patty rocks!
Are you kidding me? She has the whole legislature considering what may be the most important piece of legislation since "the rainy day fund".
No way, would I deny her the right to mess with the state bird, state tree, or the state beer for that matter!
We need good strong conservatives like this in office. If only to remind us of what is real important!
You see, there are those out there that might just think of hard issues such as "Right to Life" or "Presidential power vs. Illegal Spying" as their cornerstone. The kind of issues that we know will be with us for a long, long, time. But what Patty (I feel like I know her!) displays is more of a homey..(could that be homely?) touch to the cold hard, field of legislators.
No sir I pose that she must continue her work, and give the "real hard working people" of this great state something to chirp about!
With reguard to the fact that Patty (she is my kinda girl) continues to waste our time by offering up useless legislation that will in the end be nothing but feel good banter about do nothing projects?..well sir I don't see it that way. She is the type of Republican I personally hope to see in office as often as possible!

Anonymous said...

I heard Senator Birkholz was referred to euphemistically as "Pincushion Patty" some years ago. Why was she called that? I also heard she kicked her gay son out of the house when he was a teen-ager. If that's true, so much for family values.

agnosticrat said...

You two mind if I use that?
I'll just change the words around a bit!

Anonymous said...

Now, come on, don't keep bringing up pins or Jennifer will put a surcharge on them, but not raise your taxes.