Friday, March 24, 2006

Is this why he quit?

Earlier we commented on rumors that Mark Doster decided against continuing his bid for the 87th state house seat. And now in this week's Hastings Banner (March 23, 2006) we read this:

Mark Doster, administrator of the Southwest Barry Sewer and Water Authority, is up for a big increase in salary in only his second year on the job.
The Sewer and Water Board was given a proposal Monday afternoon to increase Doster’s salary by 22 percent, up to $30,500 from his current $25,000 a year, a pay raise of $5,500.
In addition, Doster will receive an additional $4,066,52 in fringe benefits in the proposal, making his total package worth 38 percent more than the position now pays. Doster will pay 30 percent toward his total benefit package or $1,742.80 of the $5,809.32 total cost. He will also receive $300 a year for dental.
Doster was hired in January 2005 for the 20-hour-a week position.

Over $30,000 for a 20-hour-a week job might have factored in the decision to drop out- along with not having had a chance in hell of winning. Actually a guy who manages an almost 40% raise for a part time job seems like the perfect candidate to join the bozos in Lansing (that's sarcasm in case you didn't catch it, folks).


Boggsone said...

Objection, Your Greatness!!!! Bozos only in Lansing? How bout the part-time county commissioner (notice no caps) BOZO'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How bout looking at possible perks for anyone, start with mr ron neil, on the 911 admin board. Some are paid by their full-time jobs! When are the new in-car computers going to quit going down and messing up all the time?? When are the "BONKS" on the portable radios going to STP, when an officer calls for HELP and gets BONKED and DIES??????????????????????????????

Wake up County Commission and do your job. Ask the director of 911 why he did not spend 25 years with the State Police.

Anonymous said...

Seems the reason why he ended his non-run. His Statement of Organization changed to independent (from GOP). I actually called him up and asked him if he was still running and he said no.