Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Don't leave home without it

Well, it seems like sometimes Fulton Sheen remembers his check book and sometimes he doesn't. Fulton's campaign finance statement shows him to be a generous guy when it comes to his friends. Who are Fulton's friends? Some of his friends are the so-called Citizens for Traditional Values for whom Fulton Sheen coughed up $100 as an event sponsor and another $200 as a reception sponsor. Fulton's friends also include Allegan County Right to Life for whom Representative Sheen ponied up another $120 as a table sponsor for the southern group's dinner and $140 for the northern end's festivities (two groups? what did they have a civil war?). Fulton also contributed $256 in order to sponsor two tables at the Michigan Prayer Breakfast. Allegan County's state rep. also coughed up $100 for an ad in the county GOP's Lincoln Day Dinner program and another $30 to a county GOP picnic, plus $10 for tickets to a meeting and $20 for a reception for his county Republican Party. Sheen also bought himself a $150 stay at the Grand Hotel on scenic Mackinac Island for the state GOP conference dinner- but I guess he was just doing his part to stimulate the tourism industry!

So, why didn't Fulton think he needed to pay his way when it came to supporting a worthy cause like Habitat for Humanity? Why did he need to be badgered into pledging to send a "check in the mail" for a meager $50 (half of what he paid to advertise in his county party's Lincoln Day program)? In case you wondered, tickets to the Allegan Habitat dinner that Fulton didn't have the money to buy were a whopping $8! No wonder he couldn't afford it, he guy only makes $79,650 a year (plus benefits and travel)! We're still waiting to hear if he sent his check for $50...


Anonymous said...

For having such a grand name, Fulton Sheen is an utter dissappointment in person. In Lansing he is one of the term limited wonders that pass for the cruel joke as legilators. Fulton's claim to fame in Lansing, besides being a card carrying member of the Taliban wing of the Republican House Caucus, is that he advocates replacing the SBT with very high sales tax. Why should businesses be paying taxes when grandma is can be forced to pay and she can't complain? I cannot overly emphasize how pathetic Fulton Sheen is a legislator, so the fact that he is cheap is no surprise. Heck, he really did not even live in the district he got elected from the way I heard it.

Pol Watcher said...

Thanks for the compliment, but I refuse to let others take credit for this blog (even if I do get help from many informants who do deserve credit for passing along their info). Someday the turds will hit the fan and you may find out who I really am- until then I'll be going by the name Pol Watcher. Keep reading!

Anonymous said...

he pays homestead on his property in the 80th District, named "Sheen Hollow". He also "poses" as a Catholic, because his uncle was the famous bishop from Chicago. In fact, he is a Penocostal.

Unfortunately, due to term limits the public won't wake up and see the lousey legislator he is.