Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Primary results

Some surprising and not-so surprising results coming in. Leaf and Evans look to have comfortable leads (Sheriff's race a blowout). Drain commissioner race between Yarger and Englerth as expected. Jarvis and Smith neck and neck for Clerk post. Commissioner races: Lyons beats Ferris, Stolselberg wins, Bremer on top with 3 out of 4 precincts reporting, Houtman winning with 4 out of 5 reporting, and according to WWMT VanNortwick beat himself by 15 votes?!

UPDATE! According to WXMI: Jarvis takes out Smith, Evans wins, Leaf demolishes Sarver, Burghdoff wins, Yarger edges out Englerth. County board winners: Bremer, Houtman, Lyons, Gibson, Stolsenberg and VanNortwick.

UPDATE 2: Complete Barry County results can be found here. Warning: results are in PDF document- it's only 108 KB file though, so even dial up users should be able to access without a long wait.


BarryCtyBoy said...

Englerth loses.

Clerk Smith loses.

Big Night!


See the details at: http://barryctypolitics.blogspot.com/

OverWhelmed said...

We ran a good, clean campaign and we're proud of it.

Congrats to Dar, Tom, Mike B., Craig, Pam, Susan V., Bob, and the rest.

The Reed's

el grillo said...

Today, the really important questioning begins.

Who will Chair the County Board and who will he/she select for Committee heads?

(Not that the "media" will take notice or attend any functions where decisions will be made)

le bébé d'oiseau-mouche said...

WHy has not anyone mentioned the HUGE upset in the run for the Sheriff? 3 to 1 and Sarver even lost in the City. I guess I am not surprised and quite a few bloggers are MIA now.

el grillo said...

Thanks, BCB, I've been looking for a Republican point of view that perhaps was rational, or at least had a hint of open-minded conversation and didn't rely on an ignorant audience. Your site recommended "Right Michigan" which seems to be more of the same old BS, so I clicked on "RightCuz" and read all of the surface posts without having to puke or being insulted. I will, of course, look more closely in the future, but perhaps that blog site will help me to understand why other Republicans are able to support the reign and continuation of the Bushes.
Since I am an old man, I can't support McCane because I wouldn't subject a person of his obvious frail nature to the rigors of the Presidency. I hope, if he wins, that he has a youthful V.Pres. to take over after he collapses.

If Obama "stays the course" and can demonstrate at least one idea that will solve a world crisis without resorting to violence we may be able to start recovering our shameful loss of trust in the world. Unfortunately, the Democrat Party has the risk of being hijacked by some real fruitcakes who can only see their narrow point of view (sex, race, Clintonego, etc.) on the national level. On the local level they have become an embarrassment. At least the Republicans have a few whack-jobs that will try to influence our direction by supporting their candidate of choice.

I heard a rumor that somebody is considering a run as a write-in. I would cast my vote for them if they would at least show up and show some vital signs, however weak.
Again, thanks for the RightCuz recommendation.

Jay said...


Interesting how quiet things got on that point. TS & the coffee shop gang didn't put much energies into getting their two candidates against "barney & big boy" elected. If they spent their energies going door to door for Sarver & Selleck instead of flapping their gums here, they may have toppled the incumbents (though unlikely). If you count their losses in '04 and '06 in account they are 0-4. ouch. As a southern friend of mine would categorize them, "they are all bark, and no bite."

Sarver & Selleck ran poor campaigns that could not articulate the issue, nor could legitimately articulate a reason for change--especially against two active Republicans. Neither of the S & S twins stood firm on the hot button issues single issues--guns & life.

While Sarver's resume was more impressive than Dar's, he was not an adept campaigner. It also harmed S& S to be backed by the "clique"--especially the former drunk sheriff DeBoer (get the video from a Democrat if you want to dispute the drunk part of my statement).

Jay said...


Write-Ins are suicide in the General. They make sense in the Primary because fewer people vote. People are just too lazy, or don't want the hassle. This person should save their money and wait 2-4 years.

el grillo said...

The purpose of a write-in is not to win.

An enlightened democracy would have a space for "none of the above" on the multiple choice ballots.

The problem, "as I see it", is that we point our fingers at "dictators" who are elected without an opposition party, and self-righteously claim to be a "democracy", while failing to inspire over 20% of the citizens to vote.

The local two-party Democrat leadership couldn't even find a village idiot to represent "None of the Above".

Maybe we can write in, if I file a Certificate of Identification and claim my name to be Nona DeBove.

I'll check with somebody who knows the ins and outs of the bureaucratic process. Seems like that would be as legitimate as a nickname like Hoot, Mike, Tom, Jeff, Jim, Joe, etc.

Unlike the local Dems, I would be happy to lose.


truth teller said...

Jay: It is amazing to me how you and PW will tell all kinds of lies about people on this blog where your identity is hidden. If you were telling the truth you would put your real name on it. Or, don't you want to be held accountable for your words (lies).

el grillo said...

If you are so anxious to fill up your empty mailbox with junk mail from whack-jobs, post your own e-mail address here instead of your hypocritical nonsense.

Jay said...


I saw what I saw. I wasn't the only one to see it, others remarked on Steve's condition at that presentation. I saw someone was videotaping, seek out the tape from them if you don't believe me.

As for my anonymity, I've seen the consequences (D. Youngs) for going public. If it appalls you so much--reveal your own. Your eloquent words have shown me to reconsider my stance....or is it my words hit too close to the truth for you?

Meg said...

Hey – Just wanted to let you know that Election Protection’s hotline 1-866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683) went live August 12 and will be available now through Election Day with live help from trained volunteers for anyone with questions about their registration status and voting. It looks like volunteers are available 9-5pm EST to start.

It looks like a great resource.

Jay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.