Monday, August 25, 2008

The party is started!

Photo courtesy of Democratic party.

You can make a lot of claims right now, but slow news week is not one of them!
BarbinMD is Liveblogging the convention at dailykos.
I will try to link to some Michigan sites that are also taking a shot at liveblogging at the convention, but bandwidth seems to be lacking today. Wonder why?


el grillo said...

The first step in any type of leadership (in my opinion) is to clearly "articulate the vision". Mrs. Obama spoke so well of our need to re-create the USA into "what this country should be", once again, that I refuse to refer to her by first name out of respect. Given a choice between her and Hillary, we would have our first black female President.

Teddy is still an even match for McCane, the other fragile old man. The best McCane can come up with in response to a night of inspiration and positive motivational speeches is a pit-bull Weatherman attack that he, of course, had nothing to do with and wouldn't have approved of if he had been consulted (and I own a bridge in Brooklyn that I'm selling).

The problem that the McCane Campout is focusing on is Obama's obvious lack of experience in attacking other countries, and riding around in rental trucks with guns and explosives (also, no connection to Republican right-wing religious fundamentalist whack-jobs, or Constitutionally approved domestic terrorists).

Since McCane has a history of dancing with GWBII nearly all the time, he must also be in lockstep with the embarrassing stance of GWBII being opposed to the independence of South Ossetia that was established by its people with a democratic voting process. GWBII should at least admit his failed complicity with the Georgian military attack that started the conflict with Russia. What was he thinking? Did he really think that Russia would ignore an attack on its neighbor by U.S.backed pipsqueaks?

Hopefully, Obama lacks any experience of being stupid and aggressive, and will take charge of this mess as soon as possible. He seems capable of non-violence.

el grillo said...

Locally, and off subject, I took the time to read all the County Board Minutes back to June 10 and couldn't find any reference to the new park development across the river from Thornapple Manor. The architectural drawings in Brian Reynold's office window probably weren't free, and perhaps involved some discussion.

Oh, I forgot. The Hastings Banter doesn't cover anything until it shows up as a done deal, and the County Clerk isn't required to put anything in the minutes unless it is voted on (except items claiming innocence).

The Hastings Banter probably doesn't even know about the McKeouen Bridge. It is way outside the City.

Can you imagine a rail-trail that ran all the way from downtown to Thornapple Manor?

No, I suppose not.

Maybe Mrs. Obama could articulate a local vision for us.

Pol Watcher said...

It's amazing to watch the media get it so wrong by beating this Hillary thing to death. Polls show evangelicals and other right wing interest groups just as skeptical of McCain yet the resounding chorus of crickets chirping on that issue can't drown out the obsession with 5 angry women that seem to think just because a woman ran for president that she deserved to win (and yes, it does suck immensely that even at this point in American history we haven't had a woman lead the country and watching Hillary last night was a reminder of what a good president she could be- but I think too many Democrats worried about what other baggage the right had on the Clintons, especially Bill and figured it was best to avoid that fight).

Politics can be a rough game and there's always bruised feelings. The truth is that the Democratic Party is probably less fractured than the GOP but it's funny how the media is so focused on only one party being in disarray- the party that's actually more enthusiastic about it's candidate.

el grillo said...

Your comment is unfair. By the weekend the media pit-bulls will be foaming at the mouth over some equally irrelevant items like the color of McCane's tie, or the pattern of his boxers. It is highly unlikely that any network would risk alienating their watchers by covering any subject of importance.

I was really happy that Hillary selected Pumpkin Orange, and that Bill seemed to approve of her message.

el grillo said...

... and I resemble that remark about a "chorus of crickets"