Wednesday, September 10, 2008

False fact checking and biased balance

Obviously, I started this blog because I felt like the major news media was letting down the American people. I couldn't begin to chronicle the exhaustive list of abuses but one central theme I notice that seems to strike me as particularly disturbing is the notion that the truth must always lie between two opposing points of view. What may be seen as true in Buddhism ("the middle road is the path to enlightenment") doesn't necessarily always hold water in our political dialogue.

Take your average political TV show. You always have the "liberal" and the "conservative" to discuss the issues of the day. But first, is that what you really have? You see, often the so-called liberal is usually some slightly left-of-center person who is often called a strategist or is perhaps a newspaper columnist who's professional credo demands he at least attempt to be fair to both sides (not that this always applies- see Kristol, Bill or Will, George). The conservative is often a member of the far right wing who is backed by some institution with some patriotic name featuring the word "enterprise" or "heritage" where they have been taught the proper talking points. Often the moderator will discuss some hot button "issue" that the cable news people are obsessing about for a day that will be nearly forgotten tomorrow. The questioner throws the topic out to both sides and tries to get the sparks to fly and often the guests, who usually are there to sell their newest book, are all too willing to take their time on TV to raise their "brand awareness" and gain points with their side with a few quips or barbs directed at the other side. In the end, the viewer learns nothing about any policy proposals or issues, but is only aware that both sides tend to obscure their policies with rose petals and horse manure. In the end, the host usually declares they will continue the discussion some other day, declaring that both people have made their points, etc. What has been accomplished other than to convince people that if these people represent politics, then they should want no part of it?

Then, you have the journalist who pretends to want to help you figure out who is lying and who is telling the truth in a political debate. After a politician has given a speech or released a statement, the reporter calls on an "expert" to help enlighten the audience as to the veracity of the politician's words. Sadly, the experts are often not really much more than just another reporter who certainly doesn't wish to call out someone in power as having lied and then face the wrath of their supporters. While journalists love to sell their profession as being a legion of Woodward and Bernsteins, the truth is they more like a pack of sheep cowering in fear that an editor would receive an angry call or email about a piece they submitted, or worse yet an advertiser who is threatening to pull their account because they've been upset. What you often end up with is a sort of nimble soft shoe routine where the "fact checker" tap dances around the question of whether the politician was lying or not and may suggest that something was "untruthful" but in the end declaring that both sides fudge the truth (offered without evidence). Once again, the news consumer is left thinking both sides are of a kind of the truth must lay in the middle.

When one side is clearly lying and the other side is not, who will speak up and say so? In recent days, we've seen many news stories seeming to debunk a politician's claims yet in the end they always like to muddy the waters and pretend as if both sides do it exactly equally. This false equivalence is meant to dampen criticism that the media is being overly harsh on one side or the other and to reduce angry calls and letters that could cost a journalist their job. Often though, this criticism is simply a charade designed to play into a deliberate campaign where lies go unpunished, where truth no longer means anything and average people are left with nothing to do but vote based not on policies and issues but on wedges and code words.

This false debate debases our politics, but more importantly it's ruining our country.


el grillo said...

What do you get when you remove the lipstick from a pit bull?

How's that for a search for the "whole truth" about an important issue?

Actually, Fred was critical of the HEA (a well-funded advertiser subset of a larger well-funded socialist organization) in today's Banner. While boring, it was definitely a departure from the usual pandering.

Your post about there being a great many perspectives beyond the usual lefty-righty, black-white, up-down ideas of Choice instead of the array of Options is one of my favorite rants. Part of the problem is the structure of English grammer that allows us to label things by using non- or un- as prefixes. For example, since America is not totally unsafe, it must be true that GWBII has kept us totally "safe". Excellent fare for false logic. This allows pastors to refer to nonchristians as uniformly evil, and obedient congregations to assume they are hearing the whole truth.

The "whole" truth today, 9/11/08, needs to include a backdrop of the "Shock-n-Awe" night scene of the invasion of Bahgdad, and the revenge-killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent non-christians in response to a third country's support of the Taliban.

Another optional way to get even would have been to kill 3000 Saudi Arabian members of Osama bin Laden's tribe, but then Tiger Woods would need another place to build a golf course.

el grillo said...

Since we are alone, let me whisper in your ear.

In July, President Bush reactivated the Fourth Fleet (the Caribbean Fleet) which has been dormant for close to fifty years (when I was involved in the Cuban thing)...
major media? Nada!

Hugo Chavez keeps ranting about his fear of the USA "empire".
major media ... Hugo is crazy.

Russia is sending at least the nuclear cruiser "Peter the Great", a tanker, and an airplane (major media reports vary widely) to participate in a naval exercise in the Caribbean international waters off Caracas, Venezuela.
major media .. nada.

"Peter the Great" is part of the Russian Pacific Fleet (see Janes Sailing Ships) and will probably get permission from both Panama and the Chinese contractors to traverse the Panama Canal.
major media ... nada!

Ignoring the fact that we have invaded the Black Sea with our own warships,
(major media..."humanitarian aid" (as refused in the last disaster) ... nada)
it can be predicted that this "outrageous invasion of our hemisphere" will suddenly become newsworthy around Halloween, just before the Republicans claim that GWBII will retaliate to "Keep America Safe", as he has become famous for doing.

Sarah and the old guy with a cane will predictably prance about in front of carefully-trained gatherings, wrapped in the stars and stripes, and growling like pit-bulls to entertain folks with weapons tied to their pants.
major media ...frenzy!

Hopefully, before that, Obama will open up communications with all of our "enemies" and begin to resolve our conflicts without resorting to violence.

The Last Boy Scout said...
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agnosticrat said...

your hateful disrespect is noted.

Pol Watcher said...

You can't win on the issues so you guys push these whisper campaigns. It's not going to happen here.

If you can't get in it your tiny pea brain what he meant then you've proven yourself an idiot, or else you are simply lying. When John S. McCain III said he'd veto our beers does that mean he is now contractually obligated to do so. The quote you take out of context was talking about assholes like you, so he forgot to put the word "alleged" or "supposed" and now you pretend he confessed something. You can take this utter bullshit somewhere else, douche bag. It's not going to happen here. Bring facts, not conspiracy theory.

The Last Boy Scout said...

There was no hate. You complain about bias and false and miss leading statements in the media but your the pot calling thee kettle black. I bring up a lagitemate question about Obama and you delete it and call it hate speach. It was the truth and you know it! He said He was a Muslim, you can't deny it. He was brought up in the Muslim Faith and he shouldn't hide from it or deny it. If he isn't a part of the Muslim Extremists it shouldn't matter. His silence creates doubt.

dispachchuck said...

I just watched the Steponallofus interview with Obama. It didn't look like a slip of the tounge to me. I know Obama was raised in both the Muslim and Christian Faith. It doesn't matter which he is, he's not qualified to be President. Hillary would have been a better choice than Obama, Just like Romney would have been a better choice than McCain. But we have to play the hand we were delt and it looks like we've got aces and Eights.

Pol Watcher said...

You must have flunked English class. If I say "People are lying about me being as stupid as LastBoyScout and DispachChuck. The people that say I'm as stupid as LastBoyScout and DispachChuck are liars."

You can very neatly misquote me as saying "I"m as stupid as LastBoyScout and DispachChuck." Does that mean that's what I said???? Maybe you guys should try something better than elementary school tactics.

Pol Watcher said...

By the way, I was "brought up" a Christian but it doesn't make me one.

el grillo said...

The Muslim rumor has been propogated by christian pulpits and is entirely false, but most of the mindless followers will absorb and repeat anything they are told between hymns about the Crusades, etc.
I have yet to meet one of the sheep of the Flock who have even opened the Koran to see what is actually written in it.
On the other hand, debating with this flock is a total waste of time, since facts merely blur their understanding.
I was recently told that "Love thy neighbor" only was in reference to a limited Jewish community, and was not intended to apply to other tribal organizations. Some folks will believe almost anything.

The Last Boy Scout said...

Go ahead and attack me if it makes you feel better. The facts are the facts, Obama spoke of his Muslim faith and we have two lousy candidates to choose from. Both parties had superior candidates but chose these two loosers instead. I vowed not to vote for McCain but I'm affraid now I'm going to have to vote for McCain because we can't afford to take a chance with Obama.

el grillo said...

I would be sadly disappointed if you voted any other way.

Any Bubbas who become wishy-washy behind the curtains fail to live up to their christian imperatives as explained to them from their pulpits.

As I recently learned, Scientology is the fastest growing religion in the world. It must be true because the mumbling redneck that recorded the message told me so. I have read the Koran, and find it to be a more intelligent perspective.

For $7 you can get a minister's license in Missouri, and you don't even need to be able to read, an obvious advantage.
White robes optional.

I would be equally disappointed if Overwhelmed didn't vote for a girl.