Thursday, May 29, 2008

Vander Roested

I'm not sure what to say about this...

News Release
I am requesting to have my name withdrawn from the 63rd House Seat, for which I served from 1998-2002. I do this reluctantly and sadly, because I believe I could have been a good State Legislator for the 63rd District if I was elected. My focus was to be a part of the solution in helping to turn Michigan's economy around, and making a better life for each of us and our families.

To correct statements made regarding an incident from the past, I have never pled guilty nor ever been charged with the charges that have been "alluded to" by the media. My only sin was stopping to ask someone for the correct time while on my way to a meeting at the Capital. With my window half open, I mistakenly made a joke about "how inflation probably affects all business ventures." It was suggested I meet at a nearby park; I instead drove in the opposite direction towards the Capital. I was never charged with, nor pled guilty to the charges that have been raised against me. I only wish people could've known all of the facts.

When my campaign opponent and the media found out about the fact that I had been stopped by an entrapment situation, the word spread and claims were made that I was charged with solicitation, which is not true. Inaccuracies hurt people more than anyone can realize. I've learned that the people who speak out the loudest against a circumstance in someone else's life are generally the ones with the most to hide themselves.

I have a terrific family, a wonderful wife whom I love more than life itself, and beautiful children and grandchildren. I don't want any of them hurt by this situation. So, with a heavy heart, I have decided to withdraw from running for the 63rd House Seat. I was looking forward to meeting with people, discussing the issues and giving voters a choice of representation.

I would like to serve in the future in whatever way I can to give back to the community and help create a better life for others. Thank you.


Jerry Vander Roest
2689 N. 37th Street
Galesburg, MI 49053
OK, so maybe I do have a few things to add ; )
So, you ask someone the time (apparently Vander Roest's car is without a clock and he has no working cell phone and doesn't wear a watch) with your window halfway down (how's that for unnecessary detail- one way to tell someone is lying to you is that they give too many details that don't really add anything to the story). We don't know what the other person (he/she?) said (though we have to imply it involved a price for a service of some sort- probably a hot dog vendor or something) and Vander Roest responds with a harmless joke about rising prices (see, he really does care about how energy prices affect your life) and the person responds to the joke by inviting him to a park (I'm sure it was a beautiful day out and he wanted someone to play with and Vander Roest's display of humor gave the unknown person walking the street the idea that he might be a playful guy but maybe Vander Roest has a medical condition like a debilitating wide stance that leaves him unable to engage in overly-physical activities at the park and he was running late anyway). So, Vander Roest does the honorable thing and drives the opposite way. So, what exactly is the problem here? Damn liberal media....

Vander Roest was the guy who ran against Lorence Wenke using the fact that Wenke was one of only 3 Republicans to oppose putting discrimination against gays on the ballot in order to enshrine homophobia in the state constitution. Wenke edged out Vander Roest in a squeaker, winning by less than 100 votes. The weird thing is that some people allege that Vander Roest lost that race because of allegations leaking out right before the election that he had solicited a prostitute. Wenke is term limited and so Vander Roest was running again for the open seat he had once held. So, was Vander Roest responding to those old allegations or to something new? None of the new coverage I've seen has touched this part of it. Either way, methinks he doth protest too much.

Vander Roest's exit from the race leaves Marshall Republican Calhoun County Commissioner Jase Bolger unopposed against Vicksburg Democrat Phyllis Smith for the State House of Representatives seat for the 63rd District in the Nov. 4 general election.


Jay said...

PW--A couple other heavy hitters were going to get in this, but they fizzled out... Bolger "convinced" them to step aside. Maybe his posse was as or more persuasive with Jerry.

According to the police report, VanderRoest offered the undercover officer $10 for fellatio, that is being Dutch.

I don't think there was much here, I think political realities caught up with VanderRoest. You forget to add that Wenke/VanderRoest Round II was not a sqeaker. Jerry recently remarried, maybe he didn't want to drag his new wife into old wounds. Also VanderRoest, if he ever does get elected, can only serve one term. Another consideration is that he may run for Tom George's seat in 2010.

The chicken man has not come home to roost, but he may be back for bigger eggs.

agnosticrat said...

What saddens me the most about the hypocritical actions of the what has become a growing proportion of homosexual, bisexual, and obviously sexually free spirits among the GOP is that they continue to perpetuate the seamier stereotype of such lifestyles. It is becoming obvious that those that would deny the ability of gays, and lesbians to marry, only do so in order to add intrigue to their own covert, and loveless lives.

el grillo said...

Is this where we change the subject and repeat endless noise about the 911 debacle?

Jay said...


Welcome to the sanctuary.

Talked to one of the potential candidates vying for the seat and he said that he dropped his attempt when Bolger: a) Secured every endorsement in the district (very similar to Calley). b) Came out with a campaign finance statement where he had $40K cash on hand.

In comparison, Vander Roest has $99.00 and $2,453.32 in debts from 2006. I think he saw the writing on the wall.

Anonymous said...

I keep hearing "chatter" that in order for Jerry Sarver to run for sheriff he needs to resign his position as Chief of Police. I am hearing this from people within the Leaf circle. I cannot find any regulations that suggest Sarver has violated any laws.


It would be very sad if true. I think Jerry is a very fair man. Plus he is "edumacated" :)

Bulwark said...

luckbealady - DARling barney is "again" spreading lies and innuendoes. he has to put up many smoke screens because he knows he in trouble.

Sarver not only graduated from high school, he has a master degree, PLUS integrity and is very respected in the public safety arena in Barry County and throughout the State. Most importantly he is respected by his officers because of his leadership and positive thinking.

Anonymous said...

Exactly as I suspected. Unfortunately quite a few people have fallen for this story hook line and sinker.

I did not mean to imply that I thought Jerry was not educated-quite the opposite in fact. I really do wish him the best as I believe he is the best candidate. I just hope he finds a way to stand up to the Propoganda Machine.

Jay said...

There probably is a city administrative policy about campaigning, but I doubt it says he'd have to resign. Sarver wouldn't have to give up his position until he was elected. Now he could not hold both positions at the same time. Maybe that's what the chatter is thinking of...