Monday, November 06, 2006

Schwarz files as write in for MI-07

Thanks to Sentinel for telling me about this hot news:

Schwarz enters race as write-in candidate in congressional race

11/6/2006, 4:41 PM
The Associated Press
LANSING, Mich. (AP) — U.S. Rep. Joe Schwarz, who lost the Republican primary to Tim Walberg, has filed to be a write-in candidate in his congressional district for Tuesday's election.

"This is not trying to upset the race," Matt Marsden, Schwarz's chief of staff, told the Battle Creek Enquirer. "This is not trying to pull any last minute hijinks."

Marsden said Schwarz supporters have told the congressman, R-Battle Creek, they planned to write in his name on Tuesday. However, without filing as a write-in candidate, those votes would not have been counted. And so Schwarz filed.


Walberg is still considered the favorite against Renier, who won only 36 percent of the vote in 2004 against Schwarz and has a limited amount of money.

But in the closing weeks of the campaign, Walberg's support had remained under 50 percent in polling against Renier, an organic farmer from Munith, while dealing with fallout from a campaign staffer who resigned after facing charges that he struck his 9-year-old foster son.

I guess I have to take Schwarz's campaign at their word because if they really wanted to spoil this they could have decided right after the primary to do this.

Use the comments for any Election Eve gossip, campaigning, arguments, questions, etc.


agnosticrat said...

Pretty quiet here!
Voted around 11 am in Hastings. It seemed alot more busy than what I am used to. But then again I am used to voting later in the day.

agnosticrat said...

Got a good link for exit polls/results?

sentinel said...

I think Walberg is on the ropes. I've been hinting for the Dems to put more effort behind Renier to upset Walberg. It would have been a good project for the progressive dems to side with the calhoun co dems and push Renier. it would have been a wasted effort against ehlers. Imagine what empowerment that could have given the wmpd. i'm not sure what they have been doing other than showing movies.

Jay said...

Walberg got a scare. He should thank his stars for rural southern county hicks.

Boggsone said...

Time for 911 to get back on the top of the list!

el grillo said...

We're not that bored, yet.

sentinel said...

Wacko Walberg to push forward his agenda on gay marriage and abortion.