sociopath |ˈsōsēōˌpaθ|
a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.
It seems to me that the definition when applied to political discourse may very well be a descriptor of the many disgruntled partisans on the right. After the new health insurance reform law was signed this week by President Obama an increase of extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior by opposition party members, and followers was noted.
In defense of their rhetoric instilling fear, and hate among the conservative flock leaders of the GOP have let it once again be known that any resemblance to the truth that the media may point out will be met with dissemination of facts, and derision for having simply stated the truth. The "lame stream media" as rejected vice presidential contender, and drop out Alaskan governor Sarah Palin accused just yesterday in a speech for soon to be ousted from office Senator John McCain was a "ginned up controversy". Surely she had no information in which to base this remark on. Information is only chatter by those that oppose her quest for power. Even if she were aware of the 10 year old little girl in the back of a car being run off the road it simply could not have to do with the bumper sticker on the rear of the car. It couldn't possibly because "our incitement to violence is simply a metaphore for voting". We vote the bastards out!
Well someone just voted with the front end of their SUV.
The lack of conscience?
Maybe it has to do with blaming the messenger for making it sound as bad as it really is.
True Enough: Learning to Live in Post Fact Society by Farhad Manjoo
If anyone cares to open their minds a little to make sure THEY are in control of their thoughts and opinions and not language masters of manipulation (Just watch Russell Hantz on this season of 'Survivor.' He's a case study in how to easily manipulate others just by saying what they want to hear), they they will want to read this book and see recent examples of why we need to take back our brains in favor of independent thought.
Welcome back!
Barry County and West Michigan benefit from a liberal perspective.
I hope you will post on a more consistent basis if only to refresh the interesting comments.
It is mentally exhausting to endlessly review the right wing talking points produced by marketing gurus and pulpit politicians.
Welcome back, I almost gave up checking
I think I understand why this site has been inactive. What a looney-tunes mess.
West Michigan Politics,
I just have a quick question for you but couldn't find an email so had to resort to this. I am a progressive blogger. Please email me back at when you get a chance. Thanks.
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