Monday, January 12, 2009

All-inclusive invocation

I just talked to someone tonight who still had their Christmas tree up and since this is my first post of the new year I guess I can't make fun of the Hastings Banner for still having it's Seasons Greetings header up on their web site. I didn't even realize their web site was up and running! So, here all of this time I could have been link blogging to the paper of record for Barry County and I didn't realize it. According to the Banner, it's seems the first order of business of the new Barry County Board wasn't to deal with public health and safety, it was to tend to their spiritual needs.

Having an invocation at future meetings was part of the discussion during the reorganizational session. Newly elected County Commissioner Mike Bremer brought up the subject, asking board members whether they wanted to have an invocation at future meetings. Bremer read a sample invocation to the board. Callton said to include an invocation during a meeting does not require a vote by the commissioners. Callton said he will include an invocation, after the pledge of allegiance, on the next meeting agenda and will give Bremer the opportunity to give the invocation.

Perhaps, Mr. Bremer's request to say grace before meetings was sincere but I seem to remember the last time that sticky wicket reared it's ugly head, a former commissioner threw it out at a meeting in the midst of a political campaign to try to separate himself from an opponent he was trying to paint as too liberal. When this stuff comes up, even if it's brought up in a sincere, humble and tolerant way, it almost always gets used eventually by those who simply need a cheap and easy way to gain re-election. Let's hope this isn't the case no matter what the intent.

This year is full of challenges in West Michigan and across the country. Let's not get distracted by fights over who's invisible friend is stronger than who's when there is more serious work to attend to.


el grillo said...

The big news is the entry, however cautious, of the Hastings Banner into the 21st Century. My online time is limited, so could you provide a link to their site (apologies if it is there and I haven´t found it yet).

Pol Watcher said...

Yes, click on the underlined words Hastings Banner which takes you to the home page or click on the underlined "first order of business" which takes you directly to the link for the BOC meeting.

dmarks said...

I think the big issue to cause this post is that Mr. Bremer apparently does not have the same religion that you do.

But come to think of it, imagine how much less taxpayer and property owner money would be frittered away if the county commissions spent more time on invocation and less on spending-schemes.

agnosticrat said...

I think the big issue to cause this post is that many people do not share Mr. Bremmer's religion. To focus on the role of the rebbe as a spiritual conduit of God may be his choice, but not every ones.
I applaud brother Callton in making sure that the invocation is not intended to promote a certain religious point of view.

dmarks said...

I'm just not one of those who is offended by different faiths.

el grillo said... long as they are at least Christian, and not one of those pagan things.

Mike Callton is to be commended for not wearing his faith on his sleeve as required by a Christian fuhrer.

Mike Bremer is to be commended for speaking out when hiding his faith in favor of popular opinion would have been easier.

Critics of either and all are to be commended for speaking up when their feelings are hurt and not hiding under a hood or behind a uniform.

The concept that "spending schemes"is what county government is all about must come from somebody who is using the weather as an excuse to stay home in bed.

el grillo said...

Did that, but I was thinking of an easier location like under "LINKS".

dmarks said...

" long as they are at least Christian, and not one of those pagan things."

That is your view. Surprised you are that intolerant.

Molli said...

That was tongue in cheek, I assume. El Grillo doesn't hit me as a person offended by the tendancy of another to consider dirt a sacred object.