Thursday, July 24, 2008

Introducing agnosticrat

In case you haven't noticed, this is now officially a group blog. I've asked agnosticrat to come on board and provide his unique and caustic commentary to issues that affect West Michigan. I was at a point where it was either ask for help or call it a day. I found myself at a point where I couldn't check in often enough to watch comments to ensure a relatively civil discourse or to post often enough to keep the trolls from dominating the conversation. From my discussions with agnosticrat and his comments here, as well as his too-infrequent posts on his own blog, I thought he could help me out in this regard. You've been warned...


lonevoice said...
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lonevoice said...
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el grillo said...
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el grillo said...
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el colibri said...

Welcome Agnosticrat: Don't let some of these posters make you feel bad about yourself.... my wife has been a lefty all her life and I've been a righty....... born that way and we've been married over 50 years. Two things we have in common is that we both have blue eyes and our mutual interest in sex.

el grillo said...
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el grillo said...

I heard a rumor that Agnosticrat was the County Surveyor.