Monday, February 25, 2008

Mock Election

As most of you know, the states of Michigan and Florida were stripped of their presidential primary delegates when both states broke national party rules and scheduled primary elections before they were allowed to do so. I don't know how or why it is that some people still fail to realize that this mess will only be sorted out once the party has a nominee. Michigan and Florida will not be allowed to decide the nominee for the party, despite news reports that seek to fan the flames of controversy where there isn't even a spark of outrage amongst the actual electorate who realized a long time ago that the Michigan and Florida primaries were a sham whose results can not contribute to deciding a winner. The matter will be resolved when a candidate gains enough outstanding delegates, wins the nomination and orders the delegate of Michigan and Florida to be re-instated only when it no longer matters in a ceremonial gesture of goodwill. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar or a fool.

I personally know way too many Democratic Party members who declined to participate in the mock election for it to stand. In many cases people didn't vote because their preferred candidate had removed their name from the ballot in support of DNC rules. All the candidates agreed not to campaign here at the request of the DNC, making it nothing more than a beauty contest. Simply put, an election in which many of the major candidates names are not even the ballot and none of them campaign here fails the test of being a legitimate election. All the campaigns knew the ground rules and agreed to them.

It sure seems that many of the people who don't seem to get this are the state party officials who created this mess by playing a game of chicken with the Democratic National Committee which refused to blink. Despite repeated assurances that Michigan's delegates from the primary would not count and despite the fact that Michigan voters went to the polls understanding they were likely only casting a "beauty contest" ballot, some still want to create turmoil and gain an unfair advantage for their candidate. In many cases, the state party officials are even threatening that Michigan's voters will somehow be "disenfranchised" by the DNC and may not vote for the Democratic nominee in November. I hate to get all technical here, but that's poppycock.

If Michigan voters were disenfranchised, it was by their own state legislature and Governor who clearly and knowingly broke national party rules when scheduling the primary and ignored repeated DNC warnings that doing so would mean having the state stripped of all its delegates at the national convention. Now, this may have been too harsh a penalty, but it was known ahead of time. Michigan officials had plenty of chances to do what other states have done and have a ceremonial primary with no delegates at stake and then hold a later caucus with binding results.

The ironic thing in all of this is that with the contest still yet to be decided, Michigan could even have moved back its primary and been the major player it sought to be by violating DNC rules and kicking off this fight. Instead of a meaningful contest all we got was a mock election, and Michigan lawmakers and party officials have no one to blame but themselves.


Xavier said...

Based on your reasoning, the delegations from Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina should not be seated as well, since they, too, violated DNC rules.

Pol Watcher said...

Wha-? Then why isn't the DNC punishing them? Answer: The entire DNC calendar was based on protecting the status of Iowa and New Hampshire (which I've railed against here in previous entries), along with New Mexico and South Carolina. The only reason the other states moved was to come before the states who violated the rules (Michigan and Florida). Their moves complied with the intent of the DNC schedule while Michigan was trying to "cut in line" which is why it was punished.

Spirogyra said...

Sorry Pol, i'm glad that the Mich Dems have taken a stand against the unfair practice of giving deference to Iowa and NH. Too bad the other states did not exhibit some gonads and put a stop to this nonsense. Michigan and Florida both may win in the end. The DNC has to come up with a solution at their expense now.

agnosticrat said...

Trapping both sides of this campaign into a smoked fill room would only serve the fear of the people, that the powers that be have no intention of allowing them to decide.
Xavier writes on his blog of disenfranchisement. How the people of Michigan, and Florida who did cast a ballot should have their vote counted.
This is a good point.
On the other hand as Pol points out there can not be disenfranchisement from a system that says (ahead of time) that it will not acknowledge your vote.
Another good point.
Neither is necessary for the moment.
Let us watch the system work. We don't even know if the votes will make a difference yet.

agnosticrat said...

And another thing...

We have seen the real disenfranchisement of voters in the past. Florida left a very nasty taste in my mouth. For that reason I will declare that the first campaign that calls a lawyer in order to get a court date for votes will loose mine in the general election.
I would much rather see a pie fight on the convention floor!

Spirogyra said...

Michigan and Florida are finally forcing debate on this issue. The immediate cost might be an 11th hour temporary resolution in a smoke filled room. The alternative is total marginalization by having NO delegates represented on the floor. The issue is not front and center and must be dealt with before the next such election. I'm proud of Michigan and Florida taking a stand. I only wish all the prez candidates would have stayed firm and left their names on Michigan's primary ballot.

lonevoice said...
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lonevoice said...
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Bulwark said...

fredd e is that you again, covering up like a cat in a litter box. why are you still so mad at nasty, he's been gone since last may. he never lived in our county anyway and he's probably fat, dumb and happy to be outta here.

you claim you talked to only two commissioners ? that proves you only talk to the fox and don't belive it when the chickens are missing. your repretation preceeds you. do you think markie, mikee or hooter are going to expose themselves so you can roast them in your bird cage liner? in your political class last week, you talked about doing what's right for all the citizens and not to hide anything. is that why you blocked anyone from commiting on your last slanted blog "seek the truth, but not from a liar"? we could care less if DARling barney runs again, we are drowning now with the trio plus theory of "dumbing down of barry county" and I see nothing attitude. Question to you, how's business, not well we hear.... so sorry

Pol Watcher II too said...

Pol Watcher: Why isn't your picture on your blog, David T. has his fabulous mug on his, plus he writes all his great educational and stimulating columes himself.

What back biting and name calling. Is someone embellishing the truth or are people hiding something? Why not get truthful answwers to all the questions raised for once and for all? Why doesn't DARling barney whoever he/she is and the so called trio plus who ever they are, have a news conference and clear the air for once and for all. I am confused, the questions or comments are either very slanderous or somebody knows what they are talking about and somebody else is hiding something from the people.

lonevoice said...
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lonevoice said...

Seek the truth, but not from a liar
If you’re a regular reader of West Michigan Politics (and given my infrequent postings of late, there’s still a surprising number of you), there’s a good chance you’ve read one of the many messages from a certain Seeker of Truth in the comments. This “truthseeker” often leaves off-topic comments in various posts that repeatedly charge Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf or his staff members of various charges ranging from the silly to the somewhat serious.

As many regular readers also know, “truthseeker” has always been a vocal defender (if not the actual person, something that many people who know him have suggested- I will leave that to readers to decide) of the former County 911 Director, Charlie Nystrom, who was recently forced to retire prematurely after being caught handing out “bonus” payments for overtime to select employees despite there being no evidence that was made public that those payments were authorized or deserved. Nystrom was first charged in a very high profile way by the Barry County Prosecutor, Tom Evans. The charges then went to the Sheriff’s Department where they disappeared for an overly-long period of time, then were sent back to the prosecutor who hasn’t been heard from on the topic since. Since then, truthseeker has spammed local political blogs with endless counter charges that at least deserve to be dealt with, since merely deleting the comments or even continuing to ignore them would only increase the chance of less-informed people thinking there’s validity to them.

Recently, I directly asked 2 members of the Barry County Board of Commissioners about the charges made in this blog and Dave Young’s Compulsory News blog regarding supposed corruption or malfeasance in the Sheriff’s Department. Neither of the commissioners I spoke with was even aware of the allegations. So, I will ask you this simple question: How are we supposed to take these charges seriously when the people making them have not even brought them up to those charged with oversight of the county government? Why have these charges been made repeatedly and local bloggers bullied, when the charges aren't credible enough to merit someone getting them on the public record?

I STILL have yet to see ONE letter to the editor of the local paper or hear of any ONE person standing up at a public meeting to air these grievances. I'd even settle for a yard sign or some kook with a billboard strapped to his car in a parade, but yet we have nothing. How can we take these charges seriously when the people pushing them refuse to do so on the record? From what I can see, this is nothing but another attempt to confuse the issues, spread the blame, or otherwise change the subject from the corruption that was entrenched in the County 911 system and is hopefully in the process of being remedied.

While I’ve stated publicly that I am greatly bothered by the Prosecutor’s silence (especially considering how vocal he was when making the original allegations) in the matter of former County 911 Director Charlie Nystrom’s alleged “embezzelment,” (once again, I’ll repeat that when a prosecutor goes public with a charge, he should damn well have the evidence to make the case and he should also most certinaly know the definition of the charges he’s making) but it doesn’t mean that Nystrom and his sock puppets will guilt me into joining their crusade to take down the Sheriff in their plot for revenge. In fact, I think Sheriff Leaf has done a decent job, considering my original reservations about his candidacy, and I think this campaign against him is part of a vendetta which is revenge for his part in helping to end the inglorious reign of Nystrom, which might be helped out by certain elements also harboring animosity over his ousting of the previous Sheriff in a bitter campaign. It is also convenient that these charges arise as we near a political season in which Leaf will again be on the ballot. In the past that I did not support the election of the County Prosecutor and Sheriff, yet somehow those with an ax to grind like to try to lump me into being a supporter or defender of them. It's a nice guilt-by-association tactic which truthseeker has become known for.

I’ll also add this last little bit of obviousness for anyone who still doesn’t get it: I started this blog because I had opinions about news and politics that I felt weren’t being aired. I am not a journalist or a news organization. I’m one person with a point of view. The beauty of the internet is that blogs are free. If you don't like what I write, feel free to start your own. You're still free to air your opinion here, but if you continue to spam the comments with the same old stuff we've heard before or outrageous allegations that you wouldn't make at a public meeting or in a letter to the editor, then I will feel free to delete the comments.

I'm sure we've now now all talked, read and thought a lot more about this than is necessary or warranted. Frankly, it's a personal vendetta and most people are DONE with it, those that aren't seem to have an obvious horse in the race and their comments should be taken with a huge boulder of salt. So, we hope to return to more pressing issues soon. It's not like there hasn't been anything in the news to talk about...


you write that there was"the corruption that was entrenched in the County 911 system", what corruption?

You spent weeks and weeks here in your blog allowing anyone who wanted to be part of your feed frenzy to say what they wished against the retired director, now you take this selfrightous position that non one can speak of this again.

Yes freedom of speech is alive and well here in Barry Co. that is if you speak what PW allows.

"Barry Co. Barney" & his buddy the pros. need to be held accountable for their bludner in this issue. They are costing the taxpayers big bucks with their ongoing political witchhunt to rid the count of anyone who does not bow to them.

You and dave have or willingly been used by them or just maybe you are using them.

Again I ask " How much has this investigation by "Barry Co. Barney" cost the taxpayers"? Could it continue thru the elections? I think so.

codered said...

WEll, there ya go again..gettin the "truthseeker" in a tizzy.
You know nothing can be his fault. It has to be that darn sheriff.
Truthseeker, shame on you for being a liar. You don't live in Barry County ! tisk.tisk.
and I agree, quit trying to get information about your misdeeds from other bloggers.
Give it up and go home...nasty..

Bulwark said...

TS stop down to the clerks office and get a copy of the laws suits that have been filed by and against DARling barney and his buddies. barney's own frivolous and expensive law suit was tossed out by the court in Kent county in 2005. the taxpayers dished out thousands of dollars for that one. now barney demeans and harasses anyone here who has the audacity to question his authority, because of his position. Read the many other law suits that have been filed against our department, could it be that mr. pol watcher himself or some of the trio plus are named in such filings? DARling barney and Mr. Pol Watcher can't surpress all court records, can they ?

From reading Pol Watchers and TS comments, it is very clear they'd like to bury them likes mushrooms, it's that time of the year.

Bulwark said...

codered aka sandraV - we remember you when you worked here at the jail, the disgruntled grouchy employee right? wow you still have the same talent, I mean barney and pol watcher fell for it. is there any truth to the rumor that you could be next? TS isn't nasty, we know that for sure, he won't go down to your level or even know how to operate his computer without donny holding his hand.

Jay said...

1. Thank you PW for airing what needed to be said. I have not always agreed with you on issues or candidates, but I find your most recent piece well reasoned.

2. TS: This is PW's forum. He doesn't need to abide by any journalistic standards, or make comments open for anyone. He is a private citizen with a blog. If you don't like it...create your own. I doubt anyone but you and your cronies will read it though. It's sad to see that your anger over your dismissal has made you this jaded. I hope you find peace soon.

agnosticrat said...

I agree with Jay.
It seems to me harassment is not working for you ts. Either here, or on compulsory news.
History is a great teacher. Ag3 used to rant and rave against 911 here, and it had little effect. From what I understand it took action from a whistle blower inside the system in order to draw attention to what many would deem immoral, and some illegal activities.
In any case your rantings have become stale without actionable information. If in fact your allegations were actionable, there is no one here with the power, or will to champion your cause.
Please consider this.
Fighting the powers that be is the intention of this blog. But I am afraid you are barking up the wrong tree if your intention is to smear someone for political gain. My boss once told me that if I didn't want to be at work, to go home. Find something else that makes you happy, and do that. I took him up on it, and it was the best move I ever made.
Working long hours in a system that promotes political rivalry has got to be tough. I for one would never give it a thought. The answer to your plight may lie in suggestion that have been given to you.
Start your own Blog, for gods sake!
I would be more than happy to stop by and read what you have to say. Then I would at least have an idea of what I am getting. Not showing up in the middle of a discussion on democratic party policy, and watching it devolve into what can be compared to, teenage girls having a flame war.
Go above. The tools are at hand.

Spirogyra said...

time to turn discussions to the BC commissioner race. Englerth leaving to run for Drain Commissioner? That sounds like a step down.

Pol Watcher II too said...

Agnosticrat - if "Fighting the powers that be is the intention of this blog" why are some questions or observations wrong and others are so perfectly correct? The words under this blogs header states "from somewhere in Barry County a lone blogger seeks to expose the sorded scandals and slimeballs of the West Michigan Politics scene" does that exclude the so called trio plus allegations because the are untouchable on this blog. Kwame Kilpatrick used the same tactics and look what is happening to him because of his denial or I see nothing attitude.

Although the many questions raised on this blog haven't always been presented in a very tactful or in a polically-correct way, why have they (questions) gone unanswered or been addressed publicly by the powers to be? Why so much diversion, could the allegations be true?

You are right it is PW's blog, but it sure doesn't mirror his statment, because when anyone who dares to ask him simple questions, or oppose his point of view, they get demeaned, trashed and made out to be a ungodly dirty rotten scoundel. Look what happened to Mr. Young when he spoke the truth, he got fired !!!!!

It seems to me, it would be very easy for you learned people to feret out the answers to the many questions that have been raised. Could it be the so called trio plus or county chair have something hidden that they don't want the taxpayer to see? Could it be slim ballish and not good enough for self serving headlines?

lonevoice said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
agnosticrat said...

You seem to have me mistaken with someone else. My powers only come from what you have seen here.
With the advent of the Blog there is no longer a restraint on who can help make policy. I know this blog is read by some of the very people Pol has written about. Discussion of the days events, and the policy's that have caused them is why I come here. The mere fact I can type words on this keyboard and have them read by anyone in the world is amazing.
Your own blog would also give power to your point of view. A standing in this electronic community.
This is not rocket science. As far as I can see, you have just as much standing (short of an obvious snipe by perverting the blog masters name) on this blog as I do.
Where it is easy to go wrong on this electronic diary, is assuming that your mission is the same, or for that matter, more important than the mission of it's creator. License to pervert the intent of someone else's work is not given. For that reason screaming about the taste of oranges, on a post about apples is considered rude. I have disagreed with Pol here several times. But I never have intentionally come here to do so.
Also, my anonymity is not because of fear of political, or financial repercussion. The very thought that I may be a "learned person" in the position to strike down injustice or to "feret out the answers to the many questions that have been raised." swells my head.
I am no more than someone with an opinion. An opinion that may be considered here in discussions I choose to take part in.

Bulwark said...

Well then, how about some more facts.

Have you seen how DARling barney has driven our department to look like a bunch of unprofessional barney fife's by the way he has torn down our department. Take a look at some of our people when they go out on the road. With DARlings encouragement, comic book leadership and black belt mentality, he condones our people wearing fatigues, baseball caps or stocking hats that have now replaced our professional looking uniforms. Some of our people look so unprofessional and this simply leads to lack of respect from the public and officers from other police agencies. No other police department in our county or 95% of our state look as goofy as some of our people do.
Why ? It's because DARling barney himself, gets all excited, with goose pimples, and childishly fanticies. he truely believes they look like a elite swat team or LAPD. barney just doesn't comprehend that this is barry county and we should act like and look like real police officers, not arnold schwarzenegger, mr. terminator himself. In the last couple of years, the public have unrespectfully called us little barney's or wanna bees. That hurts and really is very demeaning.

And every since DARling barney mindlessly persuaded the commissioners to authorized thousands of dollars to purchase several (one per person) new semi auto rifles,(swat baby) we have only trained with them once and since then they just rust away in the trunks of our patrol cars or collect dust in the gun racks. That's not true, one person in particularyly takes his county owned weapon home (unauthorized) and uses it for hunting. He rarely brings it to work where it belongs. Overlooked by barney, of course he's one of DARlings cronies and a fair haired boy to boot.

With all the prisoners we have lodged in our jail, we still have the dirtest patrol cars (inside and out) in the county. why..... because jay the janitor is allowed to spend most of his day at richies with DARling and you guests it..... cronies. On company time in a county vehicle that is. And people wonder why our moral is low. Or why the possy is riding in the wrong direction? Or why barney and commissioner engleth take a barneys buddies jail junket to florida during prime time on the backs of our taxpayers.
The professionals wonder too.

Pol Watcher II too said...

Bul - you are right, some of them don't look as professional as our middleville cops. We see all of them up here several times a week at the TK drinking coffee with our cops. That is great for us, but we've often wondered whose watching other parts of our county?

Seems like the few you talk about act unprofessional and appear befuddled and unfit. We've been told that the fatigue costumes were for special events, like the marine patrol or animal control, not theatrical terminator swat like intimidation. Sounds like DARling barney as you fondly refer to him as, must get his leadership training and ego massages from movies, pictures and wordless manuels or maybe barney is just trying to emulate the demeanor of the trio plus.

Keep sitting the bar high by wearing your uniform with pride and continue to be professional, this too will pass.

TheDarkSide said...

It would be nice if people who talked like they knew what they were talking about actually did.

Those Middleville cops you see having coffee with the others are members of the same department. All deputies wear their class A uniform during dayshift patrols. All deputies, Middleville included, wear fatigues during the midnight shift.

If a cop cant stop for coffee without someone wondering who is watching the county, you lack any reasonable common sense. All cops are available and ready for action even if they happen to take a break for a warm cup of coffee.

As for the assault rifles, you tell me, when an armed idiot enters your kids school or your office with the specific intent on killing as many people as he can, what exaclty would you like your protectors to be carrying??? A 12 gage shotgun? A pistol? A revolver? Or would you like him to be armed with the tools necessary to eliminate the threat and save lives!!!

Don't get me wrong, the man has not been my favorite, but these gripes are baseless

Pol Watcher II too said...

Sir darkside - we didn't mean to offend you or any other cop, but your comments are rather abrasive and sound defensive. The fact is we observed up to five cop cars at TK at one time and some of the cops had on swat-like fatigues, baseball or wool caps and black high heeled combat boots. Sorry but we just happen to agree with bul, the so called class a uniform looks far more professional than the marine fatigues or swat intiminator costumes.

With that said, we appreciate the cops being in our community drinking all the coffee they can. We just wondered who was protecting the other fifteen townships and their taxpayers. With your offensive response, we now understand why it took 45 minutes last weekend for one of your cars to respond to a roll over accident near my brother in-laws farm on the southeast side. 911 told him the only cars out were out of position and they said they could see the cars. Now we know why it took so long.

"Reasonable common sense" you say..... with the lack of leadership professed by you, old couch potato's like us see who's not running your department. If it were us, we know enough to spread out the patrol cars so all citizens are given safety. Now that would be reasonable, with common sense to-boot. Your gobbledygook "tools to eliminate the threat and save lives!!!" sound rather swattish, were you one of those wearing the fatigues, stocking hat (in the building) and high heel boots in the TK last week? Intimidating for sure.

As for your special guns, we are happy to pay for the very best for all our cops, as long as they are cared for and used properly. Collecting dust, rusting out in a cop car trunks or at officers homes just don't seem right, what does your common sense say about that..... mind my own business again? We are, we pay taxes and that's more than commissioner engelth can say isn't it. He's draining your budget traveling to florida during prime time with DARling barney on the expensive jail junket. It that common sense?

TheDarkSide said...

Lets get a couple of things straight here pol ii. I couldnt agree with you more on which uniform looks more professional. The ball caps and stocking caps look like garbage. The swat like faitigues look like a potato sack. Whoever made that decision should have their head examined.

Lets see, you said:

"we observed up to five cop cars at TK at one time"

What does up to 5 mean? I bet if you looked close, days of 5 sheriff's cruisers on any given shift are few and far between.

Call it gobbledygook all you want. Not swattish at all.

If guns are rusting in trunks of cars or at officers homes, that is a problem. Is it happening?

Rollover accident near your brother in laws place. What was the report? Were there injuries? What was the weather like? Where were they coming from? I think you are suggesting they were all at TK having coffee on the opposite corner of the county.

I do not dispute the lack of leadership. I am in your corner on several issues. The road officers, I support and would expect nothing less than professionalism from them. Im just saying that your facts on a couple issues may be a bit exxagerated

Pol Watcher II too said...

Sir darkside - we have seen three and as many as five cops cars at TK at once. We could care less, we feel safe thanks. we understand now, if there are three or more cops at TK, we cant expect someone to pull cops out of the hat and bingo they show up in the south end. the guy who stopped at my brother inlaws didnt no if anyone was hurt, car rolled on its side. all you cops do a good job protecting the people up here, including the middleville cops and our fire guys like dave and ken

keep your new guns cleaned and ready and dont look like a unprofessional bag of potatos, you are class a and you've done it without leadership and support from your boss

lonevoice said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jay said...


They probably haven't gotten the bill. Your tone suggests that our public servants are doing nothing better but snoop around your minute issue all day. They have a county to run. Want to know the cost? Ask Mike Brown. He'll probably tell you that a bill has not come in.

Move on from this bitterness, or go crab on your own blog.

Bulwark said...

TS: that is another question that the bullies who lack citizen courage keep repelling. We just received more discouraging news from members of the new 911 work group . Guest who is avocating shutting down our 911 dispatch in barry county? Yup our leader DARling barney and his uncle, Leslie Foreman. Leslie is DARling barney's wife's uncle. Our DARling barney; Leslie, the village president of Woodland and possy member and Woodland Township rep. Timmy Allen are supporting the irresponsible and ludicrous movement. Can you believe DARling barney, his uncle leslie and allen want to take away our public safety and senior citizens life line. Their short sightedness will cost the taxpayers of this county more money, but most importantly it's going to put cops in danger. it's obvious they could care less about the care and safety of our citizens and public safety, the cops,firemen and ambulance people.
They want our dept. to take the calls. We don't have enought warm bodies now. Contrary to our union contract, DARling barney continues to replace properly trained people in our command post with unqualified people like allen. He has created enough mass confusion in the past, as well as being possy member. Could you imagine if people like him had to handle something major.

So TS, you might as well give it up. I've asked many a question and presented the truth, but the trio plus, and the jay's, agnosticrats, PW of our county just want to keep seeing nothing and continue the dumbing down of our county.

TheDarkSide said...

Please, pretty please let there be a person who runs for the Sheriff of Barry County in the next election.

Sure wish I coule hear rumblings of any possible qualified candidate willing to step up to the plate

lonevoice said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bulwark said...

TS - why haven't you taken the time to read the many civil suits that pertain to DARling barney. You'll see why our detective is all tied up. He's doing civil work for the DARling barney on county time and at county taxpayers expense. We have so many open criminal complaints that should be followed up. It won't surprise us if barney assigned his untrained volunteers or possey members to do our detectives work, he's done it in the jail. As for nasty, it becomes clearer and clearer what DARlings motive was. He now has his uncle Leslie and possey "lieutenant" timmy allen trying to get the 911 moved to our dept. Just what we don't need. We knew it was a planned manueavor from the beginning and you only have the trio plus and codered aka sandyv to blame. The sad part is our dept and our dedicated people are getting painted with the same brush as our black belt leader DARling barney.

Pol Watcher II too said...

Sir darkside - maybe we could encourage el grillo, bul, or captain sixberry to run for sheriff. they all have what DARling barney doesn't - common sense, knowledge and caring for all the people.

DARling barney could move on to big and better things like a swat reality show or he could replace the likes of evangelist jimmy swygert, kwame kilpatrick, don knots, debbie stabenow husband tom athans or even george hubka and barb cichy. Heck with DARling barneys backwards black belt thinking he could even sell used cars or peddle the reminder. I agree with you, the taxpayers deserve a positive change.

truth teller said...

Why would any of those people run against DARling barney after the way his group of supporters went after and lied about Debore and others?

Until someone exposes the truth about DARling barney for all to hear Barry County is stuck with him! It sounds like he wouldn't find another job to pay him more than he is worth.

Bulwark said...

maude - are you implying that DARling barney surrounding himself with the likes of ag3, freddie, timmy allen, sandyv, dennis mckelvey, barb cichy, mark engleth, george hubka, the barrel suckers, his uncle les and evans is a plus. Maybe your are right because nobody deserves the crap those people heaped on them. Look at all the positive and progress people that just walked away from trying to make our county a better and safer place to live. Simply because of all their lie's and fabracations.

Remember, we have been told, what goes on behind these walls, stays behind these walls. If you don't like it, quit!!!!!!!! The good and honest people have gone into hiding.

Pol Watcher II too said...

maude and bul - don't you dare give up simply because of the non sayers. You both have made positive points and asked questions that must be addressed and answered. Nobody would like to get blasted on this blog or the local newspaper just for asking probing and legitiment questions. Don't let the hard working officers at the sheriffs department or the public down by not recruiting a hard working and dedicated person to run against the DARling or the trio plus. Their baggage is getting mighty heavy.

Look what they've done. Their records speak for themselves. Nothing. They must pick up their pay checks back handed. Nobody has twisted their arms, they just keep draining the tax payers pockets. They don't stand for progress, they have impeeded progress simply because of their ego massages and swattish nonsense.

It's all about them. We don't understand why those people are allowed to dumb down our county and why they subscribe to such immature and destructive behavior. Take a look at who they really are: a commissioner who doesn't pay his taxes, a accessor who blinks people out of money, a disgruntled employee, persons who want to take away our 911 emergency life line for the citizens and public safety, a county chairman who is a wannbee state rep., a newspaper whose only consideration is tearing down productive and honest public servants (have you read the lastest), a uncle and village president who only things of himself and is near sighted in his thought process, a wannabee cop, fireman,ambulance chaser and twp. official whose wife has to pay his way, a police chief who doesn't have respect from anyone, including his own officers.

There has to be someone like you bul, or el grillo or the city attorney who has wholesome intelligence, education and integrity and isn't a puppet of the barrel suckers or the local newspaper. I would even vote for the old mayor Frank Campbell. At least he has always been focused on serving the public and he didn't take sides.

The people up here have had enough. There are plently of churchs in our county who would support a honest person that has integrity and who isn't on the job for self. We have been shanghighed far too long. Where are the great public servants like Woods and DeBoer when we need them?

Where are the answers to the many questions that haven been raised? Hidden within the walls of DARling barney's office, the commissioners office or in the safe at the democrate hall ?

OOOOOOOOOO how about Hastings Police chief Gerald Sarvers. One of the deputies said he'd be great and I believe he said Sarvers has a master's degree and a cops cop. He'd have to defend the attack from the sicko's; PW, newspaper freddie, the trio plus and the other rogues because I believe he's chair of the 911 dispatch. We'd support him up here. Just wonder if he allows the swat team mentality to purmeate the city cops or if he goes to church? Why don't we all call him and see if he could retire from the city and be our sheriff ? Nothing against you bul, el grillo or the city attorney. A female sheriff won't be a bad idea, at least you have common sense. Go Gerald !!!!!!!!

Pol Watcher said...

"persons who want to take away our 911 emergency life line"

Thank heavens you can make your argument without resorting to fear tactics!

lonevoice said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pol Watcher said...

I've been in favor of WHAT? Please find the quote where I even talked about such a thing. Next, explain your "cutting off the life line" comment.

le bébé d'oiseau-mouche said...

So you do not like fatigues, but you like Sarver and his job? Hmmm I wonder what their reserves wear..... Posse wear the same uniforms at the same times as does the department. So they look better how?

Also, Sarver (Posse), Sixberry (Posse), and it seems to me that not even Sarver has 100% backing of all of his department, and he has inter-department relation problem but that is ok by you.

Timmy Allen is no longer Lt. you may want to update your information.

You were mistaken about whom was at TVC, I am sure you are mistaken about 5 cars at TKS.

I am not a "person of cloth" nice try in your attempt to figure out who I am, mistaken once again.

Nystrom misappropiated funds, and because of his misappropiation he was invistigated, So those who knew should have turned their cheek. It is those who invistigated faults they had to get involved?

I do not know why I am asking you questions because you never answer, you just ask another question, and try to divert. Sewveral bloggers have told you where to get answers , but you do not bother to ask the right people, or even look. You are just running a smear campaign. There is mishappenings in several County offices, why has not anyone invistaigated how the County Clerk let 50 to 75 thousand dollars get by her? It is her repsonsibility to check the draw. What about the City Clerk? There are several scandals, adn you only pick on one? Deboer was not scandal free and he was definately not backed 100% either. I guess you have motives of not exposing all....just what serves your best interest.

Pol Watcher said...

Well said!

le bébé d'oiseau-mouche said...

Thank you PW, I did forget that in the South there is the Prairiville department, Nashville department, and the State Police department.

Bulwark said...

le bebe & pw - you can justify and divert all you want, but please start spewing the whole story, all the facts and truth. The fact is, DARling barney has taken our dept. in the wrong direction with his cronyism, nepotism, black belt mentality, and self-rightous media fairy tales. That isn't diversion, its factual !! Why wouldn't anyone not answer the many questions that have been raised? Everytime DARling barney evades or burys the truth and then starts pointing a finger at others, he has four fingers pointing right back at himself. Why has DARling let the trio plus, jay the janitor,tim allen, his uncle leslie, barb cichey, pw, ag3, denny mckelvey and you lele, run our dept? to keep it short, DARling barney lacks leadership ability and people skills..... the proof is in the puddin.

One more fair question for you to expound on. What defense, justification or rational does DARling barney have in driving the county car to a civil hearing in charlotte. The civil suit was filed against him, not the sheriff or the people of our county?

Pol Watcher II too said...

bul - fair question, do you know if evans rode with him? wonder if they expensed a meal or carried time worked?

le bébé d'oiseau-mouche said...

Wow I sure do hold alot of jobs lately, could you and TS tell me what my pay scale is? Person of cloth and running a jail! Whew I am important! Thanks for your confidence in me. I guess this just goes to show once again how mistaken you both are about your facts. Also goes to show how you both are hypocritical, as you are upset about slander and anyone mispeaking about Nystrom, but how you do the same. You may know me, and I you, but as of this post you have not even come close. I am a taxpaying voting citizen of Barry County. Hope that helps. I have not said anything on here except to correct your false statements. I have not defended one said or other, you have just assumed (and you know what assuming means) that I have. Frankly the majority and not all, of the politics, in my opinion, is corrupt somewhere. I just enjoy reading these web sites and others opinions with an exception of a few. So, now that you know I am not a person of cloth nor do I run a jail, I guess you will have to try try try again. Good luck!

Pol Watcher said...

Guilt by association is one of their favorite tactics. I explicitly endorsed Evans' opponent in the election and never supported Leaf either, yet now I'm in bed with them. Their logic never makes any sense. It's the same "throw shit at the wall and see what sticks" mentality we see in national politics and then everyone just repeats the smears.

The fact is their buddy Nystrom QUIT and now they want to pretend like he was innocent, they want to act like he didn't RESIGN in disgrace, they want to ignore all facts and logical arguments and just fling feces and hopes it hits me and you and everyone else that isn't stupid enough to believe their distortion of the facts that are on record. Innocent people don't RESIGN IN DISGRACE. Hell, half the time GUILTY people don't even have the sense to step aside, so one can only imagine how GUILTY he must have been to let Leaf and Evans win by STEPPING DOWN!

Pol Watcher II too said...

pol - after reading nystroms civil suit and hearing from some insiders, we won't blame him if he quit. why would anybody put up with all the "s..t and lie's" you people dumped on him.

the old man is wonderin what the odds are in vegas on who will win in the end ? after hearing what the class a deputies are saying about DARling barney, things aren't going to good. the boys at the TK dont think the trio plus changes are very good. how bout you?