Tuesday, April 17, 2007

DARE to think different

"If you build it, they will come."

That over-quoted line from “Field of Dreams” accurately predicts what virtually always happens when we build new jails and new prisons. Yes, we’ve got a lot of everything in this wonderful country, and a lot of places to put ’em in. All you have to do is look at the statistics that show the United States, ironically known as the land of the free, has more people per capita behind bars than in any other industrialized nation in the world. More than Russia, more than South Africa, more than all those countries with dictatorships we love to trash as hating freedom.

We should keep this in mind when we look at the notion that Barry County needs a new jail, which I don’t doubt since the old one isn't worth repairing for the price it would take. I just find it sad we’re among the many in this country that must build bigger and more spacious lock-up facilities out of fear of overcrowding. If we build it, they will come and fill it up. For the record, I support somehow finding a way to construct a new Barry County Jail in a new and more appropriate location. It doesn’t make a lot of economic or social sense to have the sheriff’s department and jail smack dab on one of the best commercial locations in Barry County, on Hastings' West State Street across from McDonald’s and virtually next door to Pennock Hospital and a senior citizens’ complex.

I’d like to see the county find a way to sell that parcel to a commercial buyer for top dollar and move to a better location. A lot of people are mentioning the soon to be vacant First Presbyterian Church, within walking distance for deputies and prisoners to appear in court, thereby saving money in the energy department. There could be other locations, but this does seem to have some good arguments in its favor.

Then I’d propose the Barry County Board of Commissioners cut the excessive emergency 911 millage, which will come up for renewal next year, from one mill to one-half to six-tenths of a mill and use the difference to help fund a jail over, say about 20 years. If that isn't enough money to do the job by itself, then ask for a small amount from the people in the form of a millage to make up that difference.

The current 911 millage is a good example of one program getting more money than it needs or deserves while others are starving. Officials at 911 have crowed loudly and proudly often they’ve not used all of that one mill and they bought state of the art equipment that arguably is more than a bit over the top for a sparsely populated and poor, rural county. In other words, director Charlie Nystrom and his legions are pleased they have bought a brand new Mercedes-Benz with all the options when a slightly used, bare bones Ford or a Chevy would do perfectly well. So let’s take some of that taxpayer money back, maybe four-tenths of a mill, put it to work with the profits from the sale of the current location's real estate, and maybe try to add the money the county gets from the delinquent tax fund every year to fund a needed (unfortunately) new jail in a more sensible location.

Then I’d like to challenge all judges and cops in this county to think long and hard about just who we want sitting in these jails and prisons and use some common sense, which has been sorely lacking in these United States of America for too long and has made us the world’s crime capital. Taking things a little further, I think (and polls show Americans agree) it’s past time for legislators to summon a little courage and repeal many of the stupid drug and victimless crime laws that have put too many people behind bars who are not threats to society, but mostly to themselves and maybe their livers. Jails and especially prisons are tailor-made for people whose behavior threatens the safety and well being of society, not for people who smoke marijuana or hire the services of a woman practicing the world’s oldest profession. We tried a long time ago to outlaw alcohol but it only helped create more criminals, so why don't we get the same message when it comes to fighting other behavior where the war against it causes more damage and wrecks more lives than the thing being fought?

Crime fighting has become big business, with a lot of drug warriors, homeland security personnel and the prison industrial complex sucking furiously on the public teat and making a living by exploiting our irrational fears, fueled by sensationalist television news and entertainment programs. Yes, lawmakers and police are raking in big bucks and shiny medals for their war on drugs over the last quarter of a century. In the meantime, their war seems to be going about as well as the one in Iraq. Civil rights are violated, property stolen, people killed, and for what? So cops can get a shiny D.A.R.E. car with a cool paint job so they can play superhero? Guess who pays for it? You, and our society.

Our jails are filled with people who could be useful and productive members of society, instead they become a drag on the economy. We take away their right to vote and ability to find good work then wonder why we can't put them back out into the public successfully all or even most of the time. We fail to take this problem seriously at our peril. We need more than "the way we've always done it." We need to think different: Imagine what our society might be like if we would bother putting one half of the money we spend to imprison people towards treatment or other investments to improve their chances of working within society and not against it. Quit letting fear rule the debate. We need a new jail, but new means more than the physical material to build it. That will take some guts and some imagination.


agnosticrat said...

Why now?
I don't take exception with most all of what you say here. But I have to question the sensability of rushing into a new jail when the one we have is paid for and it works.
Unless there is a serious hazzard I am not aware of, I see no need.
From what I have read on Mike Calltons' blog the current lockup has not been near capacity. It may need some expected updating, (new boiler,and pipes) but I have seen no evidence of anything approaching serious deterioration or hazzardous living conditions.
As far as its location, it seems to me that Pennock built its village near the jail, and not the other way around. Pointing this out does nothing to remedy the situation, but gives context to a reader that may not be familiar to the situation. It also gives credence to the theory that Pennock has always had eyes on the current jail facility for future use. Either way I see no reason to sell now when in the future it will be worth much more. Maybe even enough to make up for the cost of upgrades now.

lonevoice said...

Pol Watcher,

Great news the prosecutors office is doing his part in reducing the numbers in the jail.

They lost another one yesterday, this time it wasd just the mother who put bleach in her baby's bottle.

His rec is still perfect.

lonevoice said...


Some common sense observations on your part.

PW is writing on his blog the same line that was printed in the local rag almost a year ago. I am now more convince that this blog of his is just another outlet for the fourth estate here in Barry Co.

His comments on the 911 millage are not accurate, it will renew not this next year but at the end 2009.

Now in regards to his comments to take the money away from 911 and give it to the sheriff. That has been the main focus of this sheriff from day one. Ask Comm. Callton or anyone else that has taken the time to research this. ( BTW I have been totally amazed as to what the jacobs family has not printed about how 911 operates and I suspect they have good reason for not wanting us to know. )

The monies generated thru the millage for 911 are gathered under the public act that creates a stand alone dispatch center, they can only be used for communications. Even though we are highly critial of the state legislative body, they saw that if they did not clearly state how money's gathered thru millage under this act were to be spend that they would become the slush fund of many a local units.

Thus the money that is gather under the current county 911 millage can only be used to pay for the operations and equipment for county dispatch.

Now we come to a real flaw in PW suggestion. While the current millage is for 1 mill, after adjustments for Headlee it is somewhere around .980, however has the local fourth estate spokeperson in the name of PW or those like a3 that continue to tell us that this center and the operation of it by the board is corrupt bothered to tell anyone that the full millage has not always been collected? This past year and current year they are only collecting 3/4 mill.

Why is this, I am told by a board member who has been there a while, they don't need it.

Here is something else that at least I did not know, it is amazing what happens when you take the time to ask questions...

Since the start of this operation the dispatch board has purchased the radios and other communication equip for all local branches of government that are part of the authority.

What does that apparently mean, that means the city police, twp. police, fire depts. village police, and yes even though he will not want you to know this for the sheriff, they have even purchased radios for the marine and posse.

Think of the dollars that the local units of government, yes this includes the sheriff's dept have saved by not having to purchase their own equipment.

What I am told is this, the equipment is purchsed and given to the dept. it is their responsibilty to take care of it, sounds to me like a very common sense approach to partnering with the users of the system.

This approach apparently is not what goes on in other counties, I am told and by the way I called and spoke with a asst. director at Allegan Co. ( There has been many comments from a3 on how great their system is, I am taking her word for this they have spent over $10,000,000.00, yes count the zeros on their current system, and quess what she told me that these in car computers that PW and others have attempted to assassinate, they do not even have the updated model after spending all of this money.(The last sheriff i am told pushed this system down the commissioners throats because he did not want to work with the state system)

She went on to tell me that they are still using a in car computer system that relys on the Barry Co. system and equipment to keep it going. This part confused me and I am told by her that Allegan & Barry Co. use to share a system to help keep the cost down, apparently the last sheriff in Alleagn Co. did not like that idea and thus they no longer are partnering with Barry Co. However, because the new system that they paid $10,000,000.00 ( yes count the zeros) for has been such a problem they have not had money to upgrade the in car computers, which thye no longer can they get parts for.

So back to Barry Co. and the practice that was began to purchase equipment for the local depts. Guess who saved money on this program, every one of us and every local unit of gevernment, yes we have to include the county commissioners for the last 15 years that did not have to include these costs in their budget for the sheriff dept.

Every local fire dept. ems, has been given equipment with the single attachment to it, maintain it... This is an interesting word, it has now appeared in the blog put forth by Comm. Callton in regards to the jail on his site, why is there such a problem now with maintaining the jail?

I was told last night by a county commissioner who apparently knows a few things about the sheriff's dept. that this past year because the sheriff or whoever has been hired by him to maintain his radios that the county commission had to give him more money to maintain his radios..... Why this problem with maintaining his equipment? I am told no other dept has had an issue with this, other than the normal required maintance, yes I am told there are problems at times with the radios, yes sometimes they do not work at 100%, I would suggest that if you want that type of system you would have to really get out your check book.

The flaw in PW writtings is that he would suggest we dismantle a system that is providing a service for 100% of Barry Co. in the area of public safety communications and give the money to one dept. his friend the sheriff, remember the jacobs family and PW have invested a lot of time and energy in this sheriff, I am sure they do not want their investment to fail.

What this comes down to is this: there are those that want to have the money that currently operates the 911 system for their own, a long time ago wise folks that created the Barry Co. 911 program looked into the future and saw this could happend, they then created an authority that includes all of the units of government in Barry co. and very wisely took it out of the hands of the conty commission and more importantly out of the hands of those that would play politics with a service that can not afford to be poltical.

I encourage all of you to do what I have done, take the time to find out the truth about how this 911 system is operated, then you will see why the county's own libility carrier stated, " It leads the state in industry standards".

As I have stated on Comm. Callton's blog, maybe we do need a new jail, however why now and why just three or four years ago was this county's jail cited by the state and federal government for having an excellent operation?

If money has been put forth each year by this county comission for the purpose of maintaining the jail, why has it not been done? Where is the money now? Who was responsible for it not getting done?

The questions have been raised, we will wait to see what the answers will be....


April 18, 2007 4:42 AM

Boggsone said...

LOL mr director. Please "direct" me to the site where a3 says anything about the Allegan County 911 or radio system. Not us knucklehead. We've heard rumors they went way over budget and their 800 mhz can't communicate with the State's, which Barry County got through an unauthorized grant put in by the former Sheriff. Once again, Bozo's doing what they want! Arrogant behavior which is running rampant throughout your clique, and which has you in trouble, hanging by your neil strings.

However, let's get one damn thing straight "partner." 911 "They" and "You" have given NOTHING to the Sheriff or any of the other Departments. That's OUR MONEY, NOT YOURS, FORBES, RONNIE, OR ANY OF THE OTHER "SUPREME COURT LIKE" admin people (members serve forever until they question something like Wooer did).

When you folks out in blogland do check out the 911 system, please do a survey of the street officers, fire personnel, and ems, which the
so called "investigating bodies" failed to do when they declared 911 so perfect. Buy a monitor and hear all the problems that occur.

PW is right, lower your millage and let the people vote in the excess to be used by people that can figure out there "is a problem!" You just can't shut that flapper can you!

When your personal checks start buying the Sheriff something then get on your neilbox

Pol Watcher said...


"The flaw in PW writtings is that he would suggest we dismantle a system that is providing a service for 100% of Barry Co. in the area of public safety communications and give the money to one dept. his friend the sheriff, remember the jacobs family and PW have invested a lot of time and energy in this sheriff, I am sure they do not want their investment to fail."

What, exactly, have I "invested" in the sheriff? I didn't even vote for him and what does this even have to do with him? Second, who said anything about dismantling? You guys have more money than you need and I'm simply recommending it go where it is needed before you guys run out of fancy pens or whatever crap you suddenly need because you've got all this taxpayer money sitting around. Sorry, Charlie.

Boggsone said...

Banner, 4/19/07: Are Townships Obsolete? Both sides have very good points. The question is: "What can we afford in the future?" There needs to be change. But, lets not leave out the small cities and villages in our State. One Village in our County had a 2000 census of 444 bodies, thats hundreds (and not many), not thousands. "Ruled" by NINE elected officials? Sure, they are "home rule" (can do most anything not expressly prohibited by law), as compared to Townships which possess only those powers expressly provided or fairly implied by State Law! But, Villages must also pay some Township taxes where their Village lies. What sense does that make? A cursory search shows Michigan has many Villages, not to mention many small Cities. Where do you think the term "speed trap" derived from?

But, all three can be changed, appparently, with State Law Changes. Cities may be the hardest to change. I don't know if State Constitutional changes would be needed or not?

Townships will not go down easily, that's very apparent. As Mr Boysen aptly points out, you might want to go after the smallest of the small. How many Villages, Cities, and Townships have similiar populations of 444 people? Or, 10,000 and less population?

Look at Metro County Governments (Nashville Tn a good example). Would small Barry County suffer under a Metro Government? Grand Rapids and other big Cities rule over many more souls than we have.
One Police Department, Fire Department, etc. Spread out over the County to accomodate us as funds allow. Some of the outdated Birch Fire District residents might even get a station and some trained firefighters that live more than one mile outside the City.

Boggsone said...

Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick..................gone!

sentinel said...

Can anyone tell me how the county spent the homeland security money from a couple of years ago?

Boggsone said...

Much of Homeland Security money was spent on items that just sit around, will hardly ever be used in this small remote County. (Check on inflatable Command Post and Decon Unit, see how many times used?) But, this was a Nation wide occurrence. Grants were given to local Fire Dept's for conventional air packs, under the guise of Homeland grants. Nice to get the money, but the US Governmental wasted tons of money in the name of 9/11. Air packs not a waste of money, but not what the grants were really all about, Terrorism!.

911 Freedom of Info Violations!!!!!

Boy, did I sleep on this one. My fault for not studying the FOIA laws more fully! And, I knew that hardly anyone but the 911 Board Members were attending the meetings. How else could they have gotten away with so much skulduggery!

Yes, absolutely, their hidden meetings in the locked and secure basement of 911 had the effect of discouraging the public from seeing their Government in action. 911 Admin Board Members and their previous legal counsels should be held accountable.

Heads should roll over this! The 911 Board meetings should be moved to a Public place such as the meeting room of the Courts and Law, or the Democratic Hqs Hall. Meetings should also be held on some nights so more of the Public can attend and see these Bozo's in action. I just can't believe I didn't put 2 and 2 together on this one. Kudos to the person(s) that did.

This brings back memories of white sheets over heads and hoods with cut out eyes. I knew they were operating in this fashion.

Now, good info is surfacing that the so called "investigations of the investgations" were nothing but scams, a cover up, buddies taking care of buddies. This seems lie malfeasance or misfeasance in office (won't bother to use spell check). ronnie neil should resign, just as the US Attorney General will do soon. The Public pressure is mounting neil. You have long lost the respect of the public at large. Don't fret the DNR and any limit of the number you can catch and take with you. The PUBLIC is going to be heard and it's your skin that will fry. All to protect your partner that even your own department wanted no longer! Wake up.

Boggsone said...

Late Breaking News: Man "paroled" from prison arrested tonight for breaking into a Comstock home and tying up and then raping a woman, while her child slept nearby. Then stole her car to get away. Just paroled within last week.

Don't we have a former Sheriff on the Parole Board? Good job! Former member of the 911 Admin Board too!

Boggsone said...

Latest breaking news: House burns to ground in Johnstown while Delton Fire is enroute to similiar address or street name in their area. Original call may have been from cell (GPS?). But, would probably bet there were some 911 calls too! Probably then they figured out it was not in Delton. Maybe an honest mistake, but request for look see is being made.

el grillo said...

Russia has passed us temporarily in having the highest percentage of citizens enrolled in their jails and prisons.

Jails are distictly different than prisons and any comments should reflect this minimal familiarity with the terms.

el grillo said...

We really, really, need a bigger jail.

Without a bigger jail we have no reason to hire more deputies. Without more deputies how can we give the Sheriff a bigger budget, huh?

Without more deputies we have no reason to buy a bigger fleet of assault vehicles with big radios and chrome helmets and shiny boots.

The current jail doesn't pay taxes. We need a jail that doesn't pay taxes, in Rutland Township where big places get favored treatment.

If we project our future needs for jail space we need several hundred new cells. The current jail can't handle the number of people our new deputies will arrest.

We can save lots of money by having one judge come over once a week from Allegan County where they appreciate the importance of keeping their citizens in jail. With a larger backlog of these criminals awaiting the justice they have coming,and deserve we will need lots and lots of jail cells.

We have been coddling these criminals far too long. If the County Prosecutor has a strong feeling that a person is guilty enough to embarrass on TV that is all the proof we need.

All this nonsense about treating people as if they are innocent is for sissies. We all know if the Sheriff says they are criminals then they need to be locked up.

We owe it to Russia to regain our Numero Uno position in jailing people. Barry County must do its part in getting these numbers back up to where they belong. Those namby-pambies that keep using big words should be thrown in for good measure.

If we don't get enough of our young people in jail as soon as possible, they won't be there long enough to learn how to upgrade their measly petty crimes into actions that will keep our prisons filled up, and then look at all the unemployment we will have to take care of. Well, not actually us, because we don't have a prison, but you know what I mean.

el colibri said...

el grillo, do you know where I can bid on the contract to dispose of all the keys they're going to be throwing away after the new jail is constructed? I ought to make a ton of money salvaging scrap iron.

el grillo said...

If they actually used keys, they would be brass and very valuable.

The contract has already been let, however, and was advertised with the other public notices in the HASTINGS banner. You would have had to pay a half buck for this piece of public information, and if you don't live in our wonderful City, you probably didn't buy one.

I think the contract went to a contractor outside of Barry County called the "Brass Key Monk". One of those hooded guys.

el grillo said...

Back to the subject of building bigger jails, does the bungling of the 911 issue shed any light on the advocates of "lock 'em up and toss the key?"

If I wanted a rational discussion about jails, I would be consulting with ex-Sheriff DeBoer, whose first knee-jerk would not be to charge people with offenses unless he had some evidence. Most of the people who don't like him tend to be prone to violence.