Friday, February 23, 2007

A Year in the Life

One year ago, on February 24, 2006, I started this blog with a short post. The idea, like all of them, had begun as a tiny nagging voice in the back of my head that grew louder and louder until I could no longer ignore it.

For anyone who doesn't remember, the first post consisted of this brief introduction...

Friday, February 24, 2006

Welcome to West Michigan Politics

The site will be your source for coverage of the West Michigan political scene (as well well as state and national politics especially when it affects our area). We hope to bring you the news that the mainstream media won't dare to cover. I will rely on you, the reader, to help by supplying me with leads and background info that will help to uncover the stories that will shape our area and our state for years to come. Stay tuned...
posted by Pol Watcher @ 2/24/2006 10:14:00 AM

For those who've wondered why I started this site, I figure an anniversary present to the readers of this site would be an explanation of why I'm doing this.

I found blogs, from the best my memory can construct, in the days and weeks after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. I had become increasingly disturbed by the nature of media coverage in the wake of the tragedy as news sources became propaganda outlets for an administration more and more obviously using the horrific event to achieve unrelated parts of their political agenda especially as the smoke cleared and the NeoCon plans for an invasion of Iraq were becoming clearer. More likely, they'd been propaganda outlets all along but I was no longer immune to the fact that one of the world's largest defense contractors owned a major TV network and that war not only boosted their bottom line by demanding more weapons but it also was a ratings bonanza as Americans sat down to watch the newest Hollywood blockbuster meets reality show meets country music anthem. Yes, you could watch bombs kill foreigners while listening to Toby Keith and feeling like a red-blooded real American patriot.

At first I wasn't really seeking out blogs, at the time I doubt I had even really heard the term or even if I had most likely I still assumed them to be the bored ramblings of college students who thought all their friends and family would like to know what they ate for breakfast that day. I found that blogs were more openly questioning of the dubious claims that we all now realize weren't true. Anyone who cared to look could have found numerous instances of scholars and experts openly debating and discussing the lack of evidence or the cooking of intelligence to make the case for war, but you wouldn't find it in the mainstream, corporately-owned and advertising revenue-driven media.

As the country descended into war fever, not bothering to stop and ask if it was necessary or just, I went to blogs more and more for solace. During the dark days of Mission Accomplished and Last Throes, I found myself spending more and more time on-line. And while I saw many people attempting to start their own political blogs, I found most of them to be nothing more than people pointing to the blogs they read with little more to offer. The "link blogging" came to look like a snake eating its own tail or a circle jerk more than an effort to educate or make a difference. At this time I really didn't consider blogging myself since I knew I couldn't do it better than the top tier bloggers such as the front pagers at The Daily Kos.

Finally the storm clouds starting to part and hope appeared on the horizon. As the failing effort in Iraq and the White House's lies became clearer to the public in the form of flag-draped coffins and sinking poll numbers I was finally able to do something besides despair. It was obvious the political winds were shifting and I wished to be a part of helping to end this dark period in American history. But what difference could ONE person make when the media had ignored the millions who spoke out and marched against a war they knew was bullshit? I certainly couldn't cover national politics better than the people I was reading and besides, how would I be heard amongst the hundreds, if not thousands, of other blogs talking about important national issues?

Meanwhile, closer to home Barry County had been suffering through an extended period of incompetence and even dangerously close to criminal leadership in the county government. A lifelong resident of Barry County and graduate of Hastings High School, I began to feel a desire to help fix what seemed so obviously wrong at the local level. Finally, I decided that the stories I was hearing in coffee shops and in private conversations weren't seeing the light of day or heard by anyone outside a tight knit circle of insiders. Despite the fact that I think the Hastings Banner turned a corner and finally began hammering what was wrong at the county board with their decision to begin running editorials which often called local leaders on the carpet, I still felt like it wouldn't touch some stories that deserved to be aired. County board elections were coming and State Representative Gary Newell's open seat was going to be hotly contested as well as contests for Senator and Governor.

I finally made up my mind that if no one else would get the truth out, that I had to do it. I'd waited for someone else who might do it better but time was running out. Like many a politician, I drafted myself. Despite not having the least bit of knowledge of HTML or web design I decided to start my own blog which would be based on trying to make a difference where I felt I could actually do it- at the local level. I knew enough people who knew what was going on behind the scenes that would help to make up for my deficiencies and inexperience in local politics. The funny thing is that despite the fact I probably seem to think I have all the answers, creating this blog has been on the best learning experiences in my life.

Before I end this little look back and self-congratulatory pat on my own back, I have one more thing to say: Start you own blog! You see that little button in the top right corner? It's that easy. Hit the button and go. Blogger is about as dummy proof as you can get (I'm sure some think I'm proof of that). The hardest part is keeping at it.

Oh, and one more thing. I'd like to thank the thousands of people who've visited this sight. And I'd especially like to thank the dedicated core of readers who come here even more than I do and whose comments help make this a more well-rounded and well-informed place of public discourse, a virtual town hall. I hope you'll all stick around for at least another year...


el colibri said...

Congratulations Pol Watcher. I haven't been following this very long but I 've enjoyed every minute of it. I follow several other nationally orientated blogs and often times they degenerate into four letter name calling contests. The great majority of thread entries here are well thought out, sincere and from the heart. Anyway, thanks very much for providing us with the opportunity to express our opinions and discuss the pros and cons of western MIchigan and Barry County issues.

Children's Dad said...

I agree with el colibri. I too have found this site interesting and informative. I have met (online) many different personalities. I have much fun deciphering some responses. Keep wrtiting Pol and we will keep responding.

agnosticrat said...

A short comment is probably wanted, but not appropriate!

"I have come to bury Caesar, not to praise him"

An editorial I read in this weeks Banner disagrees with you. You are not a reporter! You have no news. You have no capitol, or standing in the community.
Absolutely nothing you can say will pry the eyes of the people of Barry County away from the respected pulp, with print. The reader should distrust blog sites in the internet tubes. After all, anyone can go online and pretend to "decide" your news. This blog is an affront to the mainstream propaganda directorate.
Should this coordinated attack from print, and (as Mr. Jacobs pointed out) televised news media be considered an off the cuff slight, or a smack-down to unauthorized intertube giganews?

A Challenge!

Mr. Jacobs could care less about the actual implication that the standard news media had let the community down, by refusing to be host to the claims by a malcontent. Mainstream media is not available to the likes of Mr. Christopher sayeth the news deciders.
It is interesting, that in order to prove his worth in sorting your news for you, a previous chapter of this, non-news worthy, and unpublished ordeal is revealed in his editorial. Something that likely would only confuse the reader, with background, in order to help form opinion at a time when accusations are being thrown.

"I will tell you, but only in order that we may put this issue to rest"

The bitter taste of medication strikes my tongue. Swallowing what is fed to us, we line up at the local gas station, or sit on the edge of our couches, in order that we may be fed our daily/weekly dose of "allowable" media.
Deliberation now, for those on trial in our nations capitol, accused of telling reporters, something they claimed was already known. Confusing?
Only to those that have no access to the world wide net, and its blatant disregard for "acceptable" news policy.


Maybe, we are only children, at play in the fields of the lord. What on earth, could the likes of those short in numbers, but vocal, here, and the many silent readers yearning for information, have to offer, this community?
The truth? Certainly not without the proper documentation. But alas, there is no license to the truth to be had. Even the Wall Street Journal has no proclamation on display. No order from government, or from god, that shows ownership, or drilling rights.
Lies may be found here, as well as the front pages, and lead stories of the major outlets for what is deemed the news.
It is with implied consent, and a weary eye, you must take in the whispered information uttered at coffee shops, as well as the major news outlets. The only standards, are the ones you set for yourselves.
I do not intend to demean the Banner, or Mr. Jacobs here. His job is not to print rumour, and innuendo. He cannot do so without repercussion to his business, and letters to the editor in his paper would hold him to account for doing so. But with a waive of the hand he has deliberately put assunder the intention of forums, such a this one, that are growing in their capacity to do what he is not allowed to.

dissent |diˈsent|
verb [ intrans. ]
hold or express opinions that are at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially expressed.

Acknowledgement of this difference does no harm to his business, and therefore is appropriate.

Pol, serves a mean cup of brew!
As a "regular" here I invite all to pull up a chair, and order a cup of Joe, from an always accommodating host.
Choose to believe what you may, in this internet coffee shop. Put forth your opinion, stand back and listen to others. You will learn as I have, that you are not alone, and the only price you pay for taking part, is your own knowledge, and/or opinion.

"Remember what the dormouse said"

Jay said...

Happy anniversary!

Where do we send the presents or cake?

el grillo said...

I must, of course, temper my exuberant congratulations with the tiny chirping sound of the cricket mentioning that having your own blog is not that easy, and I appreciate what a finely crafted site this is. I would have archived much of my August (not august) remarks if I had your skills.

truthfulpat said...

Just let me echo the above comments.

el grillo said...

Welcome, timmy, I appreciate your fresh new approach and intelligent positive suggestions.
Please do not move to Costa Rica. Miami is as far as you should go to extend your intellectual horizons.
We missed you!

el colibri said...

Please, please oh please do not quit posting on this site. We are all seeking truth and answers. Don't hide your light under the proverbial bushel basket because you appear to have uncommon insight into the matters we discuss. We need you. If you do not accept this moral imperative you will be guily of contributing to our collective ignorance, the flat earth society and to the dark side.

el grillo said...

I meant "cultural" horizons.

Not that it matters, but the Jones boyz hung out in South America, not Central America. Puerto RicO is an island off the coast of Miami. You might like it there.

agnosticrat said...

Timmy is the kind of guy that would, for $1.99 a minute during any television program, dial #35 on his cellphone and vote "no opinion".
His thoughts are relevant..... to Cingular Wireless.

el grillo said...

Now that´s what I call personal!

agnosticrat said...


truthfulpat said...

I think that ever since Timmy found out that Lassie was really male his world has been in turmoil.

And Timmy, Lassie lied. There was no little boy in the well.

Stay with Rush and Sean and sip Kool Aide with them Timmy boy...

el grillo said...

I smell hair burning!

Pol Watcher said...


Timmy, please look up what the word means before using it. Thanks for reading and please keep posting.

el grillo said...

Timmy and Ag3/Lonesum George have retreated into their comfort zones.

shutterbug said...

Pol, thank you for bucking the system. Considering where you get your livelihood, I'm impressed with your unwavering commitment to the truth. I must say, I too, find the contradiction in Mr. Jacobs unwillingness to print the Christopher story and then having the gall to print Johnson's letter as if that had more redeeming value. Makes me sick to my stomach. Congrats on your commitment to this site.

el grillo said...
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