Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election results coming in

Obviously, many precincts still to report but at this hour we know Granholm, Stabenow, Cox and Land have won the state-wide races. Democrats say they've taken the State House- stay tuned on that one. Closer to home, Charlton Park millage goes down again and it looks like in the county board races that Gibson beats Loftus and Ferris beats Lewis. Once I saw Englerth had beaten Brinkert with all precincts reporting but that number was since removed though now Channel 8 is reporting the same numbers but with 0% reporting. VanNortwick leads Miller with only Johnstown left to report.


Pol Watcher said...

As soon as I post this I see Channel 8 with updated info- Englerth and VanNortwick ARE winners.

sentinel said...

I applaud those candidates that stepped up onto the stage and subjected themselves to public scrutiny and opponent attacks. I'm very surprised by the stronger than average showing of dems in county races. The John Loftus race is a good bellweather since his numbers surpassed previous "core" dem numbers in the county...and he did it without even campaigning! Had Walt Hewarth pulled a few more votes in the house race against kalnbach and calley, he could have reached that important 5% threshold of support. The Miller vs Van Nortwick race was interesting. Miller not wanting to run as a dem in the primary because he thought he could not beat Wing for commissioner, decided to run against Van N after Wing lost to him in the primary. For an Independent candidate, Miller did pretty good pulling nearly 40% of the votes, and considering he presented himself as a buffoon at the debate speaks volumes. It helped Miller that wing no so behind the scenes got all his primary supporters to throw their repug support behind closet-dem Miller.

el grillo said...

The sandhill cranes have won a temporary reprieve from slaughter by the Farm Bureau advocates of killing birds for fun.
Here, in Alajuela, at the Hotel Pacande´ we raise a glass of Imperial to the success of the new County Commissioners who will no longer gather moss.
Dr. Oscar Arias Sanchez, Nobel Laureate and Pres. of Costa Rica, has introduced to the General Assembly of the UN a proposal to limit arms production and distribution and a very wonderful ¨Costa Rica Consensus¨. You might find the details on ¨Page 12¨, with the whole truth. By the way, the USA was the only nay vote to increasing arms production. You heard it from here.
pura vida

el grillo said...

Al Gore´s movie is a big hit down here.

Boggsone said...

The Public has spoken pretty clearly on anything raising their taxes, the State's economy is just so unpredictable. The Branch County Jail's big defeat, along with previous Kalamazoo County jail defeats, speaks loudly, it'll be a hard sell here in Barry County. Better look at fixing this one up, maybe adding a few new beds. Get rid of that County Attorney too!

Congrats to the new County Board members. We don't expect immediate cures, but down the road hope to see some major changes. I won't mention the 3 magic numbers!

The Johnstown fiasco stems from the Halbert Farm controversy (believed to be poluting the ground waters). Remember the movie? The Twp Board was pretty steadfast against VanNortwick, hence all the post-wing support thrown towards Miller. DEQ needs to do their job down that way. The Twp's biggest taxpayer gets their opponents a big target painted on their backs. Maybe Henry Erb should do a segment there?

truthfulpat said...

Looks like Dick Devos learned the difference between an election and an auction.

Boggsone said...

I hired Craig to watch you Timmy!

el grillo said...

Craig Jenkins has some political aspirations, and has taken the high road of offering his services in any way that he can to build up a reputation of service to his community. Among other things he shows up for Mental Health Board meetings with his homework done.
I suppose his willingness to step forward and be seen as helpful will make him a convenient target to the usual purveyors of ill-informed nonsense.
Perhaps he swore on the school bus, or something.

agnosticrat said...

If you move out of the state, who is going to make me laugh?
Honestly I'm glad I live in a country where the 56% is just as powerful as 100%!

truthfulpat said...

Wade Wade Wade....If you really think the scion of inherited wealth truly has what it takes to save the automobile industry, help me to understand why no one in that industry has sought him out as the turnaround guy?

Jay said...

The auto industry should hire Wade, he's great at making expenses disappear or making them up entirely.

Jay said...


With all the harping you do about Jason and I, you could of called him like he has asked and saved yourself some time and energy. Your evasive attitude on such trivial and explainable matters is a little puzzling. Your campaign finance report is public information, open to public scrutiny, I am not sure why you're in such a huff about it. If you didn't act like such an idiot about this crap, and came clean in the first plcae like nearly all the other candidates in this race, he would have left you alone.

Boggsone said...

Time for 911 to get back to the top of the list!

agnosticrat said...

History, Wade.
Distrust of the rich has always been there. It is a human reaction to the feeling of unresponsive government, and the special interests that enable it.
I am again amuzed at your inability to comprehend that Devos' wealth should be a negative point, at a time when the middle class is dissapearing.
Over and over again his ads, when not bashing our present governor, were selling his wealth as THE reason to vote for him. Look at me I'm rich and I can help. No policy, except a tax cut for himself.
Who really is being classist, when his wife has been on record saying the workers of Michigan make too much money.
Your disconnect offends me. When you were out knocking on doors all of those hours during your campaign, you somehow missed the ones with second mortgages, and rusted cars in the driveways. The ones with out of control healthcare bills, and prescription coverage with a doughnut hole the size of the one in the ozone layer.
This distrust of the rich is not just a liberal thing. Some of my conservative friends are livid at the sale of their futures in order to make a quick profit in foreign lands. Union members are weighing their futures against the onslaught of capitolism gone mad.
Why would the rich be held to account for the state of the working class today? It serves you well to pay attention to the cost of gasoline as it inches back up after the election. Nobody asks why it went down in the first place, because we know.
Wade there are lot of things republicans can sell to the american people. But take my word for it. You will never again be able to convince them that trickledown economics works.They now see it doesn't, and they hold fatcats like Devos responsible for that failure, because it was their plan to begin with.
Now for the good news. You can help to change the distrust. Capitolism is the answer, but unbridled greed will only serve as its demise. Call on the houses I described above and hear what they say. You may actually suprised that they don't hate rich people. As you have said, it is the preference of most to attain the comfort of that position. They just have come to the realization that the way to get there is not by giving more to those that have so much to begin with. We all want the same thing, we just have different ideas on how to get there. We tried it your way, and now it is time for a different direction. I don't expect that you will stand by and take that change easily. I hope you don't.
I want you to question the motive of every piece of legislation that is passed, or held up in our goverment. I will! I also expect you to give the people of this state the respect they deserve, when they choose to go the direction that is contrary to yours. These people are not morons. You sold them change, and that is what they picked. It is just a different change than you expected.

Jay said...

The exit polls said that people wanted a change from Jenny, but they never got the specifics from Dick. Voters will never vote for change just for changes' sake. Dick was saying "Go to my website...there's a lot...it's exciting." Voters didn't/didn't want to do that. Seeing the number of voters who had made up their minds by August (70%) was staggering. Another negative number for DeVos was the perception of Amway. Dick Postumous given DeVos' millions would of likely beat the Democrats.

That leads me to another point. With all of DeVos' spending, little of it trickled down to help State House and State Senate to help Republicans maintain majority, but the DeVos campaign was wearing blinders.

Paleocrat said...

I know Craig Jenkins. We both attend Olivet College. We are in American Government together and are working towards starting a chapter of Young Americans for Freedom on campus. Olivet currently has no conservative or paleolibertarian club available to students.

No, he does not hold any political office. I would not be surprised were he to decide to make a run within the next few years. He is bright, charismatic, a great public speaker (recent winner of the Toastmaster award), and is more than willing to work with those on the other side of the ideological aisle.

Jeremiah "Paleocrat" Bannister

Paleocrat said...
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el grillo said...

For what its worth, 70% of the eligible voters in Nicaragua just elected Daniel Ortega to be President, again. You may remember him as the leader of the Sandinistas who were attacked by the Contras who were financed by Reagan-North.
When he ran for re-election, GHWBush, Papa Bush, personally orchestrated the opposition coalition of 80 splinter parties that voted him out of office.
The current ambassador to Nicaragua claimed the election was rigged, and the Jimmy Carter Foundation that monitored the election immediately responded that the embassy didn't do any research to back this up and didn't know what the hell they were talking about.
It has not been a good year for people who can't tell the truth.

el grillo said...

I forgot to mention that this info, and much more, fills the papers outside the carefully screened media controls of the USA.

Anonymous said...

Well I didn't know anyone knew who I really was. Nice to know there are a few fans out there.

Makes me feel kind of important, more important than I am, that I'm sure of.

If you have any further questions feel free to submit them and they will be addressed by my people. :)

If any of you were wondering, no I don't hold any office. Just a couple of area boards, but Yes I am the best looking man in Barry County.

-Craig Jenkins

agnosticrat said...

Craig, Is it true you swear on schoolbuses? (just something I heard from the gang)

el grillo said...

Actually, the oath was the same as taken by the County Board, to tell the truth, the truth and nothing but the truth, so help us all.

shawnbob25 said...

It's to bad that Loftus had lost the election. However it is with great sorrow to see that Lewis lost in his election. Lewis would have been great for the County Board.

el grillo said...

Lewis is still in the race. His voice will still be heard whenever the new Commissioners don't do their homework and dig for the whole truth or the papers fail to reveal it.